
Base Knowledge


Teaching Methodologies

6.1 The methodological choices will focus on two key educational components:

– Theoretical-practical component – oral presentation oriented to the estimated contents;

– Practical component – study and presentation of works/productions and their authors and work development under the teacher guidance.


6.2.  Evaluation

6.2.1. Continuous evaluation

The evaluation will obey the criteria that will be explained in different briefings, according to the following components and weights:

Theoretical and practical (group work and individual project)- 35%;

Practical (individual projects) – 65%.


6.2.2. Exam

The exam evaluation will obey the criteria that will be explained in the briefing, according to the following components and weights:

Theoretical component with a weight of 25%;

Practical component with a weight of 75%

Learning Results

3.1 Develop theoretical and practical knowledge of typography;

3.1.1 Acquire knowledge on the shape of the letter and its type;

3.1.2 Develop, plan and organize typographical projects;

3.1.3 Draw, explore and develop fonts;

3.1.4 Report specific visual messages to a targeted audience using techniques of typesetting;

3.1.5 Master typography specific concepts and terminology.


4.1. Classification and description of the types

4.1.1. Typographic anatomy

4.1.2. Formal attributes

4.1.3. Typographic Families

4.2. The function of typography

4.2.1. Typography and language

4.2.2. Writing forms

4.2.3 Experimental Typography

4.3. Applying typography

4.3.1. Typographical adequacy

4.3.2. Letter, word and sentence

4.3.3. Legibility and readability

Curricular Unit Teachers

Grading Methods

Continuing Evaluation
  • - Theoretical and Practical Component - 35.0%
  • - Practical Component - 65.0%
  • - Theoretical Component - 25.0%
  • - Practical Component - 75.0%




Bringhurst, R. (2013) The Elements of Typographic Style. Hartley and Marks Publishers

Design Museum. (2016). Cómo diseñar un tipo. Gustavo Gili

Kane, J. (2012). Manual dos Tipos. Editoral Gustavo Gili.

Latin, M. (2021). Better Web Typography for a Better Web. Blurb

Lupton, E. (2020) Pensar con tipos. Gustavo Gili

Hunt, R. (2020). Advanced Typography: From Knowledge to Mastery. Bloomsbury Visual Arts

Shaoqiang, W. (2020). Typography for Screen: Type in Motion. Hoaki

Tsagaris, A. (2020). Clothes For Language: A typography handbook for designers, authors and type lovers. Independently published