urban planning

Base Knowledge

Not aplicable.

Teaching Methodologies

The syllabus will be treated using two complementary methodologies: interpretation and analysis of the technical and legal matters; exposure of content by the teacher and discussion with students; approach of case studies as well as conducting simulation exercises and analysis of planes. Emphasis will be give to the execution of the practical work.

Learning Results

1. Urban policies in Portugal. Urban project appliable legislation
2. Urban design types. The multidisciplinary nature of the urban planning/project. Public participation.
Participatory Urbanism
3. The creation of urban space. The site and the place. Sustainability indicators. The physical support
4. The urban functions and their space partition
5. The transport infrastructure and public space
6. The split and the structure of urban space
7. Urban equalization
8. Urbanization costs. Real Estate Valorization
9. Consolidated areas. Urban Regeneration
a) Areas of urban sprawl
b) Environmentally sensitive areas


1. Urban policies in Portugal. Urban project appliable legislation
2. Urban design types. The multidisciplinary nature of the urban planning/project. Public participation. Participatory Urbanism
3. The creation of urban space. The site and the place. Sustainability indicators. The physical support
4. The urban functions and their space partition
5. The transport infrastructure and public space
6. The split and the structure of urban space
7. Urban equalization
8. Urbanization costs. Real Estate Valorization
9. Consolidated areas. Urban Regeneration
a) Areas of urban sprawl
b) Environmentally sensitive areas

Curricular Unit Teachers




Adalberto C. & Vítor R. (2018). Urbanismo : regime jurídico da urbanização e edificação. Vida Económica.

American Planning Association, Frederick, E., Steiner R., & Butler K. (2006). Planning and urban design standards. Wiley. APA.

Broadbent, P., & Broadbent, G. (1995). Emerging Concepts in Urban Space Design (1.ª ed.). https://doi.org/10.4324/9780203362167

Carvalho, J. (2012). Matriz para a estruturação de territórios urbanos. Atas do 1.º Congresso de Ciência Regional de Cabo Verde / 15.º Congresso da APDR, pp. 4039-405A https://ordenaracidade.org/site/assets/files/1246/2009_matriz_et.pdf

Mangin, D., & Panerai, P. (1999). Project urbain: Collection Eupalinos. Parenthéses.

Pardal, S. & Lobo, C. (1993). Normas urbanísticas IIIElementos de Direito urbanísticoLoteamentos Urbanos. Ordenamento Agro-Florestal. DGOT.

Portas, N., Domingues, A., & Cabral, J. (2003). Políticas urbanas – Tendências, estratégias e oportunidades. Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian.

Regulamento Geral das Edificações Urbanas(2017). Porto Editora.