Urban sustainability

Base Knowledge

Non applicable

Teaching Methodologies

Learning methodologies include lectures, problem-solving (individually and in groups), oral and written presentations

Learning Results

-to understand the concepts associated with sustainability and sustainable development, especially in the times we’re living in 

-to know how to apply the idea of sustainability in the urban environment by working different components: urban design, land use, transportation, energy, economy, governance, etc 

-to develop competencies of analysing the urban environment at local level, from a sustainability point of view, and to put forward proposals for its improvement 
-to develop general competencies in the areas of communication, investigation and self-learning, evaluation and decision making


  • Sustainable development and its 3 dimensions: Economy, Social, Environment
  • Environment and climate change
  • Urban natural risks
  • Circular economy: the basics
  • The Sustainable Development Goals – also in Portugal
  • Urban sustainability in practice: land use and urban design, mobility and transportation, public spaces, buildings, energy and material use, infrastructure and urban services, governance
  • Sustainable cities: the national and international agenda; cities of the future

Curricular Unit Teachers

Grading Methods

Avaliação por exame
  • - Exame - 100.0%




Ponte da Silva, Graça (2008), Forma urbana e sustentabilidade, in Prospectiva e Planeamento, vol. 15. Departamento de Prospectiva e Planeamento e Relações Internacionais do Ministério da Economia

Madureira, Helena (2006), Na procura de formas urbanas sustentáveis: a necessidade de contextualização geográfica in Eixo Atlantico. Revista da Eurorregiao Galicia-Norte de Portugal, no 10, Xullo-Decembro

Paro, Roberta (2011), Cidades sustentáveis: alguns enfoques e fatores críticos, Centro de Desenvolvimento da Sustentabilidade na Construção. Fundação Dom Cabral

ONU-HABITAT (2009), Planificación de Ciudades Sostenibles: Orientacones de Políticas. Programa de las Naciones Unidas para los Asentamientos Humanos. Londres

Wheeler, S. M., & Beatley, T. (2014). Sustainable Urban Development Reader. Routledge

Ministério do Ambiente, Ordenamento do Território e Energia (2015), Cidades Sustentáveis 2020, Direção Geral do Território

Centro de Informação Regional das Nações Unidas para a Europa Ocidental, Guia sobre Desenvolvimento Sustentável-17 Objetivos para mudar o nosso Mundo (2016)