Base Knowledge
Teaching Methodologies
Two methodological structures will be used in this discipline: the exposition with demonstration and/or illustration and the resolution of application exercises, in which students will have the opportunity to invest the acquired knowledge. Periodic evaluation will be carried out through a summative test, quoted for 19 values and a percentage to be defined of participation in classes, quoted for 1 value.
Learning Results
1. Identify, in the process of reading images, the contributions of Perceptual Psychology and Neuroscience
2. Apply the analytical tools from Computational Theory of Perception, in order to quantify dimensions and reconstruct iconic observation mechanisms
3. Train analytical, critical and aesthetic skills in the approach to visual texts
4. Recognize levels and layers of meaning present in visual texts and of their degree of generalization
5. Identify the processes of connotative coding in pictures
6. Detect the fundamental features that underlie the iconic genres and typologies
7. Recognize the functional areas of development of images and professions linked to them
1. The (unsustainable) concept of “image”
2. Reading, Writing and VIEWING images: the question of visual literacy
3. The contribution of the Computational Theory of Perception and the mechanisms of construction and observation
4. Semiology (School of Paris), Semiotics (Peirce), Socio-Semiotics (M. Halliday) and Cognitive Semiotics
5. Functional areas of the image: expression, representation and persuasion
6. Visual and Verbal relations
Curricular Unit Teachers
Grading Methods
- - Exam - 100.0%
- - Attendance and Participation - 5.0%
- - Frequency - 95.0%
CALADO, Isabel (2015) – Fronteiras da Imagem com a Palavra – contributo para uma abordagem da representação e cultura visuais. Coimbra: Grácio Editor [ISBN 978-989-8377-38-8]
CALADO, Isabel (2020). O mundo “novo” já não é admirável? Interrogações sobre a mudança a partir das visualidades. In Portugal Entre Patrimónios.
CALADO, Isabel (2012) – Misturas nas imagens: algumas propostas de (des)arrumação. Media & Jornalismo. Nº 20. Vol 11, nº1.
CALADO, Isabel (2010). Código Visual. In Dicionário Crítico de Arte, Imagem, Linguagem e Cultura [aplicação interactiva do Museu do Côa –]
CALADO, Isabel (1994) – A utilização educativa das imagens. Porto: Porto Editora.
DONDIS, Donis (1988) – La sintaxis de la imagen – introduccion al alfabeto visual. 7ª ed. Barcelona: Gustavo Gili.
JOLY, Martine (2007) – Introdução à análise da imagem. Lisboa: Edições 70