Base Knowledge
No specific background is required.
Teaching Methodologies
The theoretical classes will focus on understanding the basic concepts of the course. Topics are presented through slides with a predominantly applied approach, encouraging discussion among the audience. Students are encouraged to further study the course content through independent research. Each student or group of students will orally present an example of a life cycle assessment applied to a product or service and an example of industrial symbiosis, followed by a discussion period. Additionally, in the theoretical-practical classes, case studies will be presented, motivating individual or group projects by the students, including the preparation of reports and oral presentations or the resolution of application examples. Students are encouraged to actively participate during both theoretical and theoretical-practical classes. At the end of the theoretical-practical classes, responses to proposed questions and related topics will be discussed. All study materials are available through a digital platform.
Learning Results
This course, in its Resource Valorization component, provides students with knowledge about relevant strategies to support the circular economy, bioeconomy, and sustainable development. The goal is that by the end of this course, students will: i) identify the basic principles of bioeconomy, emphasizing the importance of both bioeconomy and the circular economy; ii) understand various methodologies and tools for resource valorization and optimization; and iii) identify and comprehend methodologies and processes for waste valorization in various industrial sectors. Additionally, in the Treatment component, it imparts knowledge to students about the main issues associated with the production of urban, industrial, and hospital solid waste, framing their regulations and introducing the most common processes for solid waste treatment and valorization. The aim is that by the end of this course, students will: i) identify the main types of solid waste and the legal framework for their management; ii) be able to characterize and classify different types of solid waste; iii) recognize the methodologies for handling, collection, storage, and transportation of waste; iv) identify the main technologies for waste conversion and recycling; v) understand the processes of energy and biological valorization.
- The basic principles of Circular Economy and Bioeconomy. Some initiatives: 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development; European Green Deal; Circular Economy Action Plan; Strategy for Sustainable Bioeconomy in Europe; Roadmap to Carbon Neutrality;
- Sustainability and Resource Valorization. Fundamental concepts, methodologies, and tools. Resource optimization. Life Cycle Assessment. Industrial Ecology and Industrial Symbiosis. Ecological Design.
- Practical examples of application:
- Biofuel systems and resource valorization: Advantages and challenges of biofuel production; Life cycle assessment of biofuel systems: methodological aspects and applications;
- Plastic components and resource valorization: European strategy for plastics in the circular economy; Ecological design of a plastic component for the automotive industry;
- Characterization, classification, quantification, and hazardous nature of waste as approaches for choosing the valorization strategy. Production and composition of solid waste. Physical and chemical properties. Legal framework, regulations, and plans for solid waste management.
- Handling, collection, transportation, and separation of solid waste. Classification and magnetic separation.
- Processing and storage of solid waste.
- Municipal waste processing – Special cases: Industrial and hospital solid waste. Prevention of hazardous waste production.
- Thermal, chemical, and biological conversion technologies for waste.
Curricular Unit Teachers
- European Commission (2018). Sustainable bioeconomy for Europe: strengthening the connection between economy, society and the environment, Brussels, ISBN: 978-92-79-94144-3
- Albrecht, J. (2010). The Knowledge Based BioEconomy (KBBE) in Europe: Achievements and Challenges, full report. Belgium: Clever Consult BVBA.
- Graedel, T.E., Allenby, B.R. (2010). Industrial Ecology and Sustainable Engineering, Intl. Edition. Pearson. ISBN: 978-0-13-814034-2
- Vezzoli, C., Manzini, E. (2008). Design for Environmental Sustainability. London: Springer-Verlag. ISBN: 978-1-84800-162-6
- Baumann, H., Tillman, A.M. (2004). The Hitch Hiker´s Guide to LCA, An orientation in life cycle assessment methodology and application. Lund: Studentlitteratur. ISBN: 91-44-02364-2
- Ferrão, P. (2009). Ecologia Industrial: Princípios e Ferramentas. Lisboa: IST Press. ISBN: 978-972-8469-79-5
- Chertow, M.R. (2004). Industrial Symbiosis. In: Encyclopedia of Energy, Cutler Cleveland (ed.). Elsevier Science. ISBN: 978-0-12-176480-7
- PRé (2016). Introduction to LCA with SimaPro, report v5.2, January
- Ekvall, T. et al. (2020). Modeling recycling in life cycle assessment, final project report. Swedish Life Cycle Center
- Asian Development Bank (2014). Urban Metabolism of Six Asian Cities, report. ISBN: 978-92-9254-660-1
- European Commission (2018). Report on Critical Raw Materials and the Circular Economy. SWD(2018) 36 final (parts 1, 2 and 3).
- Stessel, R. (1996). Recycling and Resource Recovery Engineering: Principles of Waste Processing, Berlin: Springer Verlag. ISBN: 978-3-642-80219-5
- Polprasert, C., Koottatep, T. (2017). Organic Waste Recycling: Technology, Management and Sustainability (4th ed). IWA Publishing. ISBN: 978-1780408200
- Textos de apoio (artigos científicos, diapositivos e outros documentos) cedidos pelos docentes durante as aulas
- Legislação e documentos normativos com relevância para os conteúdos programáticos da unidade curricular
- Soares, A., Cunha, F.M. (2011). Manual Prático para a Gestão de Resíduos: um guia indispensável para a gestão e tratamento de resíduos industriais, hospitalares e outros resíduos específicos. Lisboa: Verlag Dashofer (disponível na biblioteca do ISEC: 7-12-215).
- Cossu, R. (1994). Engineering of landfill barrier system. London: E & FN Spon.
- Davis M.L., Cornwell D.A. (1991). Introduction to Environmental Engineering. Singapore: McGraw-Hill International Editions. (disponível na biblioteca do ISEC: 7-12-94).
- Environmental Protection Agency. (1991). Solid Waste Disposal Facility Criteria, 40 CFR Part 258, Federal Register.
- Tchobanoglous G., Theisen H, Vigil S.A. (1993). Integrated Solid Waste Management: engineering principles and management issues. New York: McGraw-Hill (disponível na biblioteca do ISEC: 7-12-107.
- Leary, P.R., Walsh, P.W. (1995). Decision-Makers Guide to Solid Waste Management. Washington, DC: Environmental Protection Agency.
- Legislação diversa sobre resíduos sólidos.