Web Programming – Server

Base Knowledge

Development for the web (client-side): HTML, CSS, JavaScript; Data bases; 

Teaching Methodologies

In the current school year there will be no classes for this curricular unit, only evaluations. 

Learning Results

  • List and describe the main needs of the emergence of server-side languages.
  • Describe the potential of using Web technologies in an information system.
  • Develop dynamic, efficient and secure web applications with PHP/MySQL.


  • Programming dynamic content pages
    • Basic concepts
    • The various alternatives: CGI, Servlets, PHP, JSP, ASP
  • Programming pages/web applications with PHP (Hypertext Preprocessor)
    • Presentation of the language
    • Architecture and functioning
    • Installation and configuration
    • Basic syntax
    • Variables and data types
    • Operators, conditional statements and loops
    • Functions
    • String manipulation
    • Arrays manipulation
    • Handling HTML forms
    • Object Oriented Programming
    • MySQL database manipulation with PDO and MySQLi
    • Cookies and session variables
    • AJAX
    • Layouts
    • Sending Email

Curricular Unit Teachers




Tavares, F. (2016). PHP com Programação Orientada a Objetos. FCA.

Tavares, F. (2012). Desenvolvimento de Aplicações em PHP. FCA.

Other books, articles and / or web pages that are relevant during the school year.