Base Knowledge
A matéria será explorada assumindo que os alunos não possuem qualquer conhecimento sobre os conteúdos abordados.
Teaching Methodologies
Theoretical classes are based on oral presentation. All elements that support the lectures are available to students. Practical classes are based on exercises sheets. The students have to implement a set of features specified in that document. There is one exercises sheet per class, where new features of technologies HTML /HTML5 and CSS/CSS3 are progressively introduced. The final grade is obtained through a written examination, which aims to assess the knowledge acquired in theoretical and practical lectures. The process of grades improvement must comply with the schools guidelines, thus informal processes for improvement of classification between exam periods are not allowed.
Learning Results
The main goal of this course is to provide students with a first contact with some of the technologies used to create websites. Additionally, students should acquire the knowledge and skills that enable them to explore different multimedia elements. In this context, some fundamentals of human-machine interaction are detailed in order to ensure a coherent and appealing design. Main skills: Learn some of the main technologies used for the production of web content. Identify the main characteristics of the several multimedia elements. Identify the concepts underlying the planning and design of a multimedia application. Build a website based on the technologies explored in class.
Theoretical component: Hypermedia systems Web Technologies HTTP XML HTML /XHTML CCS Javascript Ajax Dynamic HTML Multimedia Elements Text Image Audio Video Animation Human Computer Interaction (HCI) Structure Organization of Content Navigation Use of color Practical component: HTML/HTML5 CSS/CSS3
Curricular Unit Teachers