Wildfire fighting

Base Knowledge

Knowledge of fire behavior, acquired at the UC Propagation of Fire.

Teaching Methodologies

Theoretical-practical classes in the classroom and firefighting practices in the field.

Learning Results

Understand the information related to temporal and spatial fire risk.
Know which measures to apply according to the level of temporal and spatial risk.
Know the basic techniques of surveillance, detection and alert.
Communications Basics.
Notions about firefighting management assets including their pre-positioning.
Know and apply firefighting techniques including the use of water and chemical additives.

Understand the need to resort to different alternative techniques to the use of water (content to be delivered in other UC’s).
Provide trainees with knowledge that allows them to act in line with the National Civil Protection System in emergency situations involving populations.


Basic concepts and principles of the elaboration of fire risk maps.
Brief review of the Fire Weather Index (FWI) .
Interpretation of fire risk charts and measures to be taken.
Interpretation of the daily fire risk index and measures to be taken.

Surveillance detection and alert.
Communications (practical classes) Firefighting planning
Management of means of firefighting
Use of firefighting resources (practical classes)
National Civil Protection System
Articulation with civil protection agents
Priorities in emergency situations
Emergency plans
Information and alerts to the population Urban and industrial fires.
First aid (practical classes)

Curricular Unit Teachers




Silva, J.S.; Páscoa, F.; (ed.s). 2002. Manual de Silvicultura para a Prevenção de Incêndios. DGF, Lisboa.
ICONA. 1981. Vigilância y deteccion. In Tecnicas para defensa contra incêndios forestales. Monografia 24. Instituto Nacional para la Conservacion de la Naturaleza (ICONA).
Lourenço, L.; Serra, G.; Mota, L.; Paul, J.J.; Correia, S.; Parola, J.; Reis, J.. 2001. Manual de combate a incêndios florestais para equipas de primeira intervenção. Escola Nacional de Bombeiros. Cadernos especializados.