Base Knowledge
Teaching Methodologies
The program will be delivered through: practice sessions of analysis and discussion of case studies drawn from the media, a lab in class, attending seminars, conferences and lectures on the media and its current actors. Also readings of excerpts from literature, cinema, television, advertising, video, photography, and Debate about the modern media production class.
The evaluation will take into account the quality of class participation (attendance and completion of practical work as well as attendance and participation in lectures, seminars and conferences).
The evaluation of knowledge will focus the practical work performed (20% individual works; 80% group works).
The assessment by exam, is to be held at the end of the school year, and will be based on completion of a written test, which will focus on the entire program.
Learning Results
This course aims to encourage the student to an understanding of how “meaning” is constructed and exchanged in today’s society, with special emphasis on the role of mass media in contemporary societies. Studies will adress the areas of print, radio, television and new digital media.
The major objective of this course is to promote, along with future media professionals, the ability to decode the broadcast content in a dynamic universe, complex and controversial: the media system, learning to identify and analyze the representations, values and ideas emerging into public space.
The process of developing these skills comprises literature review, theme analysis and effective practices, appropriate to the technical requirements of various media, so that the theories learned in other courses could be here applied.
I- An Introduction to Media Studies
II- Watching media (structural conditioning of media content)
III- Construction Processes of Journalistic Discourse.
IV- Critical Analysis of media: Lab in Classroom
Curricular Unit Teachers
Grading Methods
- - Group works - 80.0%
- - Individual works - 20.0%
- - Exam - 100.0%
CARLSSON, U. (Eds.) (2019). Understanding Media and Information Literacy (MIL) in the Digital Age A Question of Democracy. University of Gothenburg: Sweden. UNESCO.
CUNHA, I. F.& PEIXINHO, A. T. (2020). Análise dos Media. Coimbra: Imprensa da Universidade de Coimbra.
DA SILVA, M. T., BATISTA, C., & CÁDIMA, F. R. (2020). O ensino e o estudo dos media e de jornalismo: tributo a Nelson Traquina. Media & Jornalismo, 20(37).
FIDALGO, J. (2008). O Jornalista em Construção. Porto: Porto Editora.
GARCIA, J. L. (Coord.) (2020). O Choque Tecno-Liberal, os Media e o Jornalismo. Almedina.
REBELO, J. (Ed.) (2011). Ser Jornalista em Portugal – Perfis sociológicos. Lisboa: Gradiva.
KRUMSVIK, A. H. (2012). Why old media will be funding journalism in the future. Journalism Studies, 1– 13.
MESQUITA, Mário (2004), O Quarto Equívoco. O Poder dos Media na Sociedade Contemporânea, Coimbra, MinervaCoimbra.