Workshop: Human Resources Management

Base Knowledge


Teaching Methodologies

The teaching methodologies to be used will be: theoretical expositions about the proposed themes; practical exercises of application of the subjects taught; discussion and resolution of practical cases. The evaluation will be periodic with several evaluation elements: Two individual tests (40% each) or an individual test (60%) and a group work (20%).

Participation in group or individual activities during class with delivery of a final individual reflective portfolio (20%)

The exam will be a written test (100%)

Learning Results

1 - Know the main concepts  of human resources management

2 – Understand the strategic importance of the human factor in building the quality and competitiveness of organizations 

3 – Know and use the main methods and techniques in human resources management


1-Human Resources Management (concept and evolution over time)

2- Techniques and Practices of Human Resources Management

2.1- Job Analysis

2.2 – Recruitment and Selection

2.3 – Onboarding  and organizational socialization

2.4 – Evaluation and Performance Management

2.5 – Compensation and Benefits Management 

2.6 – Career Development

Curricular Unit Teachers

Grading Methods

  • - Exam - 100.0%
Periodical Evaluation
  • - Frequency - 80.0%
  • - Attendance and Participation - 20.0%
Periodical Evaluation
  • - Attendance and Participation - 20.0%
  • - Frequency - 60.0%
  • - Individual and/or Group Work - 20.0%




Calheiros, A. (2019). Recrutamento e seleção : da teoria à prática. Lisboa: RH Editora.

Câmara, P. B. (2016). Os sistemas de recompensa e a gestão estratégica de recursos humanos (4 ed.). Alfragide: Dom Quixote.

Câmara, P. B. (2015). Manual de gestão e avaliação de desempenho (2ª ed.). Lisboa: RH Editora.

Marujo, H. Á., Neto, L. M., & Ceitil, M. (2019). Humanizar as organizações : Novos sentidos para a gestão de pessoas. Lisboa: RH Editora

Melo, P. N., & Machado, C. (2020). O livro de ouro para a gestão de recursos humanos nas PME. Lisboa: RH Editora.

Rego, A., Cunha, M. P., Gomes, J., Cunha, R. C., Cabral-Cardoso, C., & Marques, C. (2015). Manual de gestão de pessoas e do capital humano (3ª ed.). Lisboa: Edições Sílabo

Veloso, A., & Sá, C. P. (2020). Da psicologia à gestão de pessoas – Casos de intervenção em organziações. Lisboa: RH Editora