French I (Foreign Languages I)

Base Knowledge

Not applicable.

Teaching Methodologies

Exposition of grammatical contents and vocabulary;

Worksheets / exercises in order to develop oral and written comprehension and expression, with exercises of different nature (association / matching / sentence completion / texts / true/false questionnaires / multiple choice questionnaires / question/answer questionnaires)

Observation / oral description of images;

Listening to texts and watching videos;

Didactic talking / “jeu de rôle”;

Pair / group work.

Learning Results

The aim of the French I course unit is to provide students with a refinement of the linguistic skills of the French language in order to improve the communicative abilities of writing, textual and listening comprehension, as well as orality, facilitating the student’s insertion in an academic environment abroad.

– Skill 1 – Understand words, short expressions concerning oneself, one’s family or one’s environment;
– Skill 2 – Understand simple written sentences;
– Skill 3 – Communicate in a simple way; ask and answer simple questions;
– Skill 4 – use simple expressions and sentences to describe their environment and the people around them;
– Skill 5 – Write a simple postcard, a letter or fill in a questionnaire.
– Skill 6 – interpret and produce non-verbal language adequate to diversified contexts, either restrictive or universal


– Grammar

nouns/adjectives; articiles; noun/adjective gender; negation; interrogation; subject pronouns; conjugation: present simple, near future, past simple; past participles; adverbs; partial articles; interrogative/possessive adjectives.


– Vocabulary

Making contact; travel/transport, accommodation.


– Reading comprehension

Semi-authentic/authentic written documents to immerse the student in communicative situations in social or professional life.


– Listening

Ongoing diaIogues/monoIogues of communicative situations in social or working life.


– Writing

Written pragmatic skills in the form of tasks (developing know-how and interpersonal skills); interactional activities with a strong socio-linguistic emphasis.


– Speaking

Practical, everyday situations of social and active life, carrying out specific, concrete and realistic tasks. Reinforce newly acquired language skills and know-how.

Curricular Unit Teachers
