Portuguese Language and Culture

Base Knowledge

There are none.

Teaching Methodologies

Participative approach
There is no single method or technique on its own which can satisfy the learning needs of all the learners. In order to cater to the needs of all the learners, it is necessary for the teacher to vary the methods of teaching. In addition, teaching becomes more effective when an eclectic approach, i.e., combining several methods of teaching in one lesson, is adopted. As well as catering to the needs of a wider range of learners, the eclectic approach helps to overcome the problem of monotony and boredom which are probably the worst enemies of learning. Teaching is manly based on two major categories: namely the teacher-centred and pupil-centred.

Learning Results

The main goal of the course is for the student to:
be able to understand and use familiar everyday expressions and very basic phrased aimed at the satisfaction of needs of a concrete type;
to be able to introduce him or herself to others and ask and answer questions about personal details such as where he/she lives, people he/she knows and things he/she has;
to be able to interact with people in a simple way provided the other person talks slowly and clearly and is prepared to help.


Students are going to learn to speak a bout themselves, others, their country and the countries where Portuguese is spoken, to be able to: demonstrate acquisition of the language concepts (listening, speaking, reading, writing), provide limited information through Portuguese, identify familiar objects, animals and people in his/her environment, respond to familiar questions with a previous learned response, identify feelings and preferences using high frequency phrases or courtesy response, use of culturally appropriate expressions, use speaking strategies in modelled learning situations, reproduce, a single Portuguese key word in print, demonstrate understanding of a limited number of oral key words, familiar phrases, questions and basic classroom instructions, identify limited aspects of Portuguese culture, use visual and auditory clues with prompting for the interpretation of listening or viewing experience Portuguese culture such as to compare their own country with Portugal.

Curricular Unit Teachers
