Advanced Financial Accounting

Base Knowledge

Not applicable

Teaching Methodologies

The methodology of the Advanced Financial Accounting discipline is in accordance with the following parameters:

  •  Classes are theoretical-practical, with an illustrated theoretical exposition, whenever possible, with practical cases.
  •  Practical exercises are solved in each of the modules to apply the theoretical contents transmitted.


Learning Results

  • Understand the objectives and justification of recent changes in Public Accounting;
  • Understand the difficulties of using the ‘accrual basis’ in Public Accounting;
  • Understand and compare International Public Sector Accounting Standards with international accounting standards for the business sector;
  • Identify the context of the SNC-AP in terms of accounting harmonization, understand the structure of the SNC-AP, analyze the new financial statements, interpret the new standards, and demonstrate their scope of application.
  • Acquire skills to exercise functions in the accounting area.


1. Current Trends in Public Accounting

2. The problem of applying the ‘accrual basis’ in Public Accounting.

3. Accounting Standardization System for Public Administrations (SNC-AP)

3.1 General Structure SNC-AP

Conceptual Structure

Purposes and Users of Financial Statements

Elements of Financial Statements

4. Accounting Standardization System for Public Administrations (SNC-AP)

4.1 Basis for Presentation of Financial Statements

Accounting principles

Accounting policies and their changes

General Purpose Financial Statements

– Balance

– Statement of results by nature

– Attachment to the financial statements

– Statement of changes in equity

– Statement of cash flows

Mandatory Disclosures

Events After Reporting Date

5. Treatment of Main Items in the Balance Sheet and Income Statement

Tangible fixed assets

Borrowing costs

Intangible Assets

Investment properties




Provisions, contingent liabilities and contingent assets

Revenue (transactions with and without consideration)

Employee Benefits

Curricular Unit Teachers




Basic Bibliography

  • Sistema de Normalização Contabilística Administrações Públicas (SNC- AP): Decreto-Lei no 85/2016, de 21 de dezembro (Alteração ao Decreto-Lei no 192/2015, de 11 de setembro que aprova o SNC-AP).
  • Portaria n.o 189/2016, de 14 de julho (Notas de Enquadramento ao PCM – SNC- AP).
  • IFAC. Normas Internacionais de Contabilidade para o Sector Público, em
  • IPSASB (2022) Handbooks, Standards, and Pronouncements, disponível em IPSASB (2022) Handbooks, Standards, and Pronouncements, disponível em

  • Lei n.o 151/2015, de 11 de setembro – Lei de Enquadramento Orçamental.
  • Viana, L. C.; Rodrigues, L. M. P.; Nunes, A. V. (2019). O Sistema de Normalização Contabilística – Administrações Públicas – Teoria e Prática. Almedina, Coimbra. ISBN 9789724080482.
  • Material disponibilizado pelo docente

Complementary Bibliography

  • Pereira, Paulo Trigo; Afonso, António; Arcanjo, Manuela e Santos, José Gomes Carlos (2015), Economia e Finanças Públicas, Almedina Coimbra;
  • Decreto-Lei n.º 26/2002, de 14 de fevereiro (Códigos de Classificação Económica das Receitas e das Despesas Públicas e Estrutura da Classificação Orgânica Aplicável aos Orçamentos e Contas dos Organismos que Integram a Administração Central);
  • Lei n.º 75/2013, de 12 de setembro, na sua redação atual (Regime Jurídico das autarquias locais, estatuto das entidades intermunicipais e regime jurídico do associativismo autárquico).