Base Knowledge
Knowledge of forestry systems, ecology and GIS
Teaching Methodologies
Teaching methodologies will be based on theoretical-practical classes in which students must use exercises, in some cases using a computer.
The assessment includes theoretical questions and practical questions. In practical questions, students should be able to put into practice the knowledge acquired in order to be able to make decisions in the management of agroforestry systems. A practical session will also be held in the field to evaluate the cork harvesting and forestry work carried out on cork oaks in the forest on the ESAC/IPC Campus.
Learning Results
At the end of the UC the student must:
Know and classify agroforestry systems in Portugal and the world
Discover the different non-woody productions associated with the forest in Portugal
Master the concepts and techniques related to the management and exploitation of trees and pastures in the montado system.
Integrate aspects linked to tree management with aspects associated with grazing management from a perspective of sustainability of associated resources.
Knows the aspects related to grazing spontaneous vegetation, as well as the basic principles of animal nutrition.
The reality and potential of agroforestry systems in Portugal and around the world.
The design and forms of evaluation of systems practiced in Mediterranean areas.
The design and forms of evaluation of systems practiced in tropical and subtropical zones.
The technical characteristics of the different non-woody forestry products, fruits, resin, cork
The relationship between different agro-forestry systems and the regions of Portugal’s ecological map
The technical and legal characteristics of the Montado system, in terms of forestry, exploration, cork production and planning
The constitution and elementary forms of valorization of food used by animals that make up agroforestry sistems;
The digestive systems of the main livestock species and the type of food they prefer to use;
The physiological mechanisms and agronomic characteristics that support the adaptability of pratense species to different environmental conditions;
Curricular Unit Teachers
• MACDICKEN, K., VERGARA, N., 1990. Agroforestry: classification and management. John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York.
• MORENO MARCOS, G., OBRADOR, J., GARCIA, E. , CUBERA, E., MONTERO, M.,PULIDO, F., DUPRAZ, C., 2007. Driving competitive and facilitative interactions in oak dehesas through management practices. Agroforestry Systems 70 (1): 25-40.
• NAIR, R., 1993. An Introduction to Agroforestry. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht.
• PALMA, J.H.N., 2006. Integrated assessment of silvoarable agroforestry at landscape scale. PhD Tesis, Wageningen University.
• D.G.FLORESTAS, 1998. Plano de Desenvolvimento Sustentável da Floresta Portuguesa. MADRP, Lisboa.
• LOPES, J. 2000. Gestão Florestal Sustentável. Estudo de Aplicação de Indicadores de Sustentabilidade numa Área Florestal do Concelho de Mortágua. Universidade de Coimbra, Faculdade de Letras, Instituto de Estudos Geográficos, Coimbra.