Álgebra Linear e Geometria Analítica

Base Knowledge

Contents covered in Mathematics in primary and secondary education.

Teaching Methodologies

The following teaching methodologies are used in this curricular unit

1) Verbal methods (say), making use of the following educational resources: Exposition, Explanation, Dialogue and questioning;

2) Intuitive Methodologies (show), making use of the following educational resources: Demo, Audiovisual, written texts;

3) Active Methodologies (doing), making use of pedagogical resources: problem solving; technology.

Learning Results

It is intended that students:

1. operate with matrices and calculate determinants in order to discuss and solve systems of linear equations using matrix representation and selecting adequate methods; relate the introduced concepts by deducing properties;

2. identify and describe geometric objects in the plane and in space; relate concepts and characteristics of geometric objects in order to characterize other objects, relate objects and calculate distances in the plane and in space

3. understand the concept of vector space, recognize such structure in the most common examples, formulate the associated concepts and relate them to other contents

4. identify and characterize a linear transformation.


I – Matrices and Systems of Linear Equations

II – Determinants and Systems of Linear Equations

III – Vectors in IRn

IV – Vector Spaces

V – Linear transformations

Curricular Unit Teachers

Grading Methods

Exam evaluation
  • - Individual Written Exams - 100.0%
Periodic Evaluation
  • - Individual Written Exams - 100.0%




Teacher’s notes

Anton, H., Rorres, C., & Kaul, A. (2020). Elementary linear algebra, Applications version (12th Edition). Ed.,Wiley.

Banchoff, T. & Werner, J. (1992). Linear algebra through geometry (2ª Ed.). Springer-Verlag.

Cabral, I., Perdigão, C., & Saiago, C. (2012). Álgebra linear (3ª Ed.). Escolar Editora.

Dias Agudo, F. R. (1996). Introdução à álgebra linear e geometria analítica. Escolar Editora.

Giraldes, E., Fernandes, V. H. & Smith, M. P. M. (1997). Curso de álgebra linear e geometria analítica. McGraw-Hill.

Magalhães, L.T. (1998). Álgebra linear como introdução à matemática aplicada. Texto Editora.

Steven, J. L. & de Pillis, L. (2020). Linear algebra with applications (10th Ed.). Pearson.

Strang, G. (2023). Introduction to Linear Algebra (6th ed). Wellesley-Cambridge Press. ISBN : 978-17331466-7-8.


Khan Academy. https://www.khanacademy.org/math.