Animal Health

Base Knowledge

Microbiology, anatomy and physiology

Teaching Methodologies

1. Practical classes: a)at the teaching units of ESAC, in the different animal species; b) collecting samples and sending to the laboratory; c) laboratory techniques and observation of samples. 2. Consultation of websites of different national (DGAV), European (EFSA) and worldwide (OIE; WHO; CDC) organizations with mission in animal health. 3. theoretical expositive lessons and presentation and discussion of works and subjects chosen by the students, within the aims of the curricular unit.

Learning Results

1. Knows the structures and competences of the national, European and world institutions intervening in the animal health and the concepts of sanitary politics/police; 2. performs tasks of hygienic-sanitary intervention in the animal and installations and appraises sanitary registers in accordance with the regulation MPB; 3. knows with fundament the specific inverventions of a plan of preventive biosecurity. Understand the epidemiology and prophylaxis applied to the different groups of diseases (infectious-contagious and parasitic) and its importance in public health.



National and Community health policy. Institutions involved at national, European and world level. One Health concept. Health programmes. General concepts of health state alteration and symptoms collection. Basic concepts of epidemiology: transmission routes, entrance gates, carrier, intermediate hosts and vectors. The different groups of etiological agents of disease – chemical, physical, microbiological and parasitic. Example of some diagnostic techniques. General concepts of epidemiology. Concept of vector and importance in emerging and re-emerging diseases. Transmission to man – living animal, food and water. Routes of drug administration (practical aspects related to its application) and nursing care. General concepts of biosafety of an animal farm – water quality for drinking, effluents, disposal of carcasses, washing/disinfection, disinfectants and pest control. By-products and effluents. Regulation of BFM: specificities of organic farming regarding animal health and welfare. Epidemiological importance of some animal diseases. Complementary treatments (main concepts) and nursing care. Main Compulsory Diseases and parasitic zoonoses (Health Codes of OIE).


Curricular Unit Teachers

Grading Methods

  • - exame escrito - 100.0%
  • - 2 trabalhos de pesquisa com apresentação oral - 30.0%
  • - 2 testes escritos - 70.0%




DGAV. SIRCA – Recolha de Cadáveres em:

DGAV. Subprodutos e derivados. em:

 Kijlstra and Eijck. Animal health in organic livestock production systems: a review. NJAS 54-1, 2006.

INRAP. Manipulations et interventions sur le bétail. Ovins et caprins. Éditions Foucher, Paris, 1987. ISBN 2-216-00725-0.

INRAP. Manipulations et interventions sur le bétail. Bovins. Éditions Foucher, Paris, 1997. ISBN 2-216-00725-0.

Noordhuizen and  Cannas da Silva, 2009, Animal Hygiene and Animal Health in Dairy Cattle Operations. The Open Veterinary Science Journal, 3.

OIE. Código Sanitário para os animais terrestres.

Pfost, D.L. and Fulhage, C.D.. Water quality for Livesctock Drinking. MU Extension, University of Missouri, Colombia. Disponível em:

RODET, J.-C. Factores de Produção Animal Elementos para o êxito de pecuária biológica.2006.

ROJO-VAZQUEZ, HENANDEZ, S.R., NAVARRETE, L-C, ALUNDA, R., DIEZ BAÑOS, GUITIERREZ, G., MORRONDO, P., ALONSO DE VEGA, F-D., 2003. Enfermedades parasitarias del ganado ovino y caprino. Veterinária Esteves, GEA, . ISBN: 84-7287-056-1.

Sousa Dias, Carlos Dias Pereira; Isabel Herder Costa; Joaquim Santos; Maria Antónia Conceição; Micaela Soares, 2012. Manual de Higiene e Sanidade Animal.  Ministério da Agricultura, do Desenvolvimento Rural e das Pescas, Angola, 2012.

THRUSFIELD, M. Epidemiologia Veterinária. Editorial Acribia, S.A., Zaragoza, Espanha, 1990.

TOMA, B. Épidemiologie Appliqué à lutte Collective contre les maladies animales transmissibles Majeurs. Association por l’étude de l’épidémiologie des maladies animales (AEEMA), France, 1996.

Vaarst M., Roderick, S., Lund, V., Lockeretz, W. Animal Health and Welfare in Organic Agriculture. CABI Publishing 2004. ISBN  0 85199 668 X. (video)