Applied Electricity Fundamentals

Teaching Methodologies

This is a theoretical-practical curricular unit, whose teaching consists of the presentation of content and subsequent carrying out of theoretical-practical exercises, which may include carrying out laboratory practices – through the manipulation of appropriate materials and instrumentation.


Students can choose two types of assessment:

continuous/periodic assessment or examination. The evaluation

continuous/periodic will focus on participation in classes, including interest, autonomy, attendance and punctuality (50%) + test (50%). A

assessment by exam (100%) will be done through a written test and

oral (the latter, if the classification in the written test is between

7.5 and 9.4 points).

Learning Results

1. Understanding electric and electromagnetic phenomena.

2. Identifying and understanding the basic operating principles of electrical equipment.

3. Understanding (and correctly using) terminology

electrotechnics in interaction with other stakeholders.

4. Identifying common equipment failures in on-scene electrical networks, associating them with their respective causes, and carrying out possible interventions to restoration of operating conditions.

5. Operating equipment and installations in compliance with applicable safety standards, eliminating risks to people and property.


1. Noções fundamentais de eletricidade

2. Elementos de circuitos elétricos

3. Leis fundamentais e grandezas elétricas relevantes

4. Adaptação e transformação de níveis de tensão

5. Fontes e distribuição de energia elétrica

6. Proteção de circuitos e equipamentos elétricos

7. Proteção de pessoas contra contactos elétricos

Curricular Unit Teachers




Cadena, Richard. ”Electricity for the Entertainment Electrician & Technician”. Focal Press, 2009. ISBN 978-0-240-80995-3.


Faria, J. A. Brandão. “Análise de circuitos”. 3a ed., IST Press, Lisboa, 2016. ISBN 978-989-8481-50-4.


Gomes, A., Silva, H., Carvalho, Beleza, J. “Instalações elétricas de baixa tensão, dimensionamento e proteção de canalizações elétricas”. Publindústria, Edições Técnicas, Porto, 2017. ISBN978-989-723-204-6.