Base Knowledge
Students should have basic training in General Hydraulics, particularly about free surface flows.
Teaching Methodologies
Expository and inquiry method for explanation of theoretical subjects and resolution of exercises. Project of a drainage system (stormwater and wastewater) in groups of 2 or 3 students.
Learning Results
General objective:
Acquire the necessary knowledge for the interpretation, conception and design of drainage systems (stormwater and wastewater).
Generic skills:
– Understand the knowledge and know how to apply the acquired knowledge;
– Basing decision making;
– Promote self learning;
– Promoting collaborative work and teamwork;
– Develop written and oral technical communication.
Skills to be developed:
– Study and understand hydrological phenomena to determine the design variables influencing the design of stormwater drainage systems.
– Conceive, design, execute and operate a drainage systems (stormwater and wastewater);
– Learn the main chemical, physical and biological processes involved in wastewater treatment used in the design and management of wastewater treatment plants.
1. Drainage systems
1.1. Regulations, norms and specifications
1.2. Base elements
1.2.1. Reviews about base elements in water supply systems
1.2.2. Reduction factor (wastewater/water)
1.2.3. Infiltration flows
1.2.4. Stormwater flows. Hydrology elements
1.3. Types of drainage systems
1.4. Constituent parts of the systems. Main organs and accessories and complementary facilities
1.5. Hydraulic calculations
1.5.1. Types of drainage networks
1.5.2. Pumping stations
1.5.3. Other organs
1.6. Buried pipe stability
2. Non-conventional drainage systems
2.1. Vacuum systems (domestic sewage)
2.2. Systems with infiltration (stormwater)
3. Wastewater treatment. General elements
Curricular Unit Teachers
Notes provided by the teacher.
Sá Marques, J.A.A. & Sousa, J.J.O. (2018). Hidráulica Urbana: Sistemas de Abastecimento de Água e de Drenagem de Águas Residuais (4ª edição). Coimbra: Imprensa da Universidade de Coimbra.
Decreto regulamentar nº 23/95, de 23 de agosto – Regulamento Geral dos Sistemas Públicos e Prediais de Distribuição de Água e de Drenagem de Águas Residuais.
Lima, J. P. (2010). Hidrologia urbana (Série Cursos Técnicos). Lisboa : Entidade Reguladora dos Serviços de Águas e Resíduos.
Paixão, M.A. (2005). Águas e Esgotos em Urbanizações e Instalações Prediais (2ª edição). Lisboa: Edições Orion.