Base Knowledge
Teaching Methodologies
The lessons of the Course of Associativism and Development are theoretical (20 hours) and theoretical and practical (10 hours). In addition to the classes directly targeted by the teacher, others will be implemented by the students. The theoretical lessons will focus on the discussion of the central theoretical perspectives. The theoretical and practical lessons will be based in the presentation and discussion of case studies, as well by presentations to be made by students.
Two evaluation methodologies will be used:
– Periodic assesment based into the performance of work individual and/or group throughout the semester totaling 100%;
– Exam Evaluation: Individual written test – 100.0%
The evaluation by examination consists of the performance of an individual written test. Students who have more than 9.5 points will pass the exam. Students who score between 7.5 and 9.4 will be entitled to an oral test, and the final score is corresponding to the average of the scores obtained.
Learning Results
To identify the current socio-economic context under some comprehensive approaches of modernity and development, in particular with regard to the subject’s relation to the collective;
To situate the associations in the broader theoretical reflection on the social and solidarity economy;
To identify the elements that characterize the social and solidarity economy;
To understand the context of social and solidarity economy in Portugal;
To analyze the associative practices aimed at promoting local development;
To reflect critically on associative local practices from theoretical frameworks of modernity and development.
1. Paradigms of modernity
a. The condition of modernity – postmodernity or acceleration of changing conditions?
b. Places for the collective subject
c. What new utopia spaces?
2. Paradigms on development
a. The modernization theories
b. Theories of dependence
c. Populist approaches
d. World-system theory
e. New territorialist perspectives
3. The social and solidarity economy
a. Concept (s) and trends
b. The social and solidarity economy in Portugal
c. The associativism for development in the framework of social and solidarity economy
4. Practices of associativism for development in Portugal
Curricular Unit Teachers
Grading Methods
- - Exam - 100.0%
- - Individual and/or Group Work - 100.0%
Amaro, R. (org.) (2012), A Economia Solidária e Desenvolvimento Territorial in Revista de Economia Solidária, nº 5, ACEESA.
Ávila, R. e Campos, J. (2005), La Economia Social en la Unión Europeia, CIRIEC.
Cattani, A., Laville, J-L., Gaigez, L. e Hespanha, P. (2009), Dicionário Internacional de Outra Economia, Coimbra: Almedina.
Coutinho, M. (2003), A economia social em Portugal, Lisboa: CPIHTS e APSS.
Laville, J.L. e Jané, J.G. (2009), Crisis capitalista y economia solidaria, Barcelona: Icaria Editorial.
Monteiro, A. (2001), “As Iniciativas de Desenvolvimento Local e a Diversidade nas Suas Orientações” in Cidades: Comunidades e Territórios, nº8, pp. 53-63.
Pitacas, J. e Reto, L. (coord.) (2020), A Economia Social numa Visão Plural, CIRIEC Portugal.
Tremblay, D.G., Klein, J.L. e Fontan, J.M. (2009), Iniciatives Locales et Dévelopment Socioterritorial, Québes: Télé-université – Université du Québec à Montreal.