Base Knowledge
The programmatic content of the discipline was designed with the aim of deepening and consolidating theoretical knowledge and giving conditions to future professionals a general notion of law, in order to allow a permanent interdisciplinary dialogue with other branches of law and other disciplines in the area of accounting.
Teaching Methodologies
Theoretical-practical classes. Expository and practical method with solving exercises and discussion of practical cases.
Learning Results
Allow students to have a global and specific perspective on the different basic law concepts, namely, the functions and characteristics of the legal order, its effects and the main sources of law.
THE LAW 1. THE OBJECTIVE LAW 1.1 General characterization 1.2 The importance of law 1.3 Law as a human and social phenomenon 1.4 Law as a normative domain of the social order 2. THE LAW BETWEEN NORMATIVE ORDERS: RELIGION, COURTESY AND ETHICS 1.1 Order of social treatment (social uses, rules of etiquette and good manners) 1.2 Religious order 1.3 Moral order 3. THE LEGAL ORDER AS A NORMATIVE ORDER – THE LEGAL STANDARD. FUNDAMENTAL PROBLEMS 3.1 Objective law and subjective rights 3.2 Definition and structure 3.3 Characteristics of legal rules 3.4 Classification of legal rules 4. THE FUNDAMENTAL VALUES OF LAW 4.1 Justice, equity, security and certainty 5. LEGAL GUARANTEE. PRIVATE GUARDIAN AND PUBLIC GUARDIAN 5.1 Private justice and public justice 5.2 Compulsory guardianship (compulsory measures) 5.3 Repressive tutelage THE SOURCES OF LAW 1. WAYS OF CREATING LEGAL STANDARDS. THE SOURCES OF LAW 2. LAW 2.1 Law (hierarchy) 2.1.1 Constitutional Laws 3. CUSTOM 4. CASE LAW 5. DOCTRINE LARGE SYSTEMS OR FAMILIES OF LAW 1. THE DIVISION OF THE LEGAL SYSTEM: BRANCHES OF LAW (INTERNATIONAL LAW AND INTERNAL LAW) 1.1 PUBLIC LAW AND PRIVATE LAW 1.2 PRACTICAL IMPORTANCE OF THE DISTINCTION BETWEEN THE DIFFERENT BRANCHES OF LAW 1.3 PUBLIC LAW 1.4 PRIVATE LAW 1.5 OTHER BRANCHES OF LAW 1.6 EUROPEAN UNION LAW LEGAL METHODOLOGY 1. THE INTERPRETATION OF THE LAW 1.1 Forms of interpretation 1.2 Elements of interpretation 1.3 Results of the interpretation 2. THE INTEGRATION OF THE LAW 3. THE PROBLEM OF LAW APPLICATION 3.1 APPLICATION OF LAWS IN SPACE 3.2 APPLICATION OF LAWS IN TIME THE LEGAL RELATIONSHIP 1. THE LEGAL RELATIONSHIP 1.1 Abstract and concrete legal relationships 2. THE SUBECTIVE RIGHTS 2.1 Concept of subjective right 2.2 Subjective law and legal duty 2.3 Potestative right and subjection 3. CLASSIFICATION OF SUBJECTIVE RIGHTS 3.1 Innate rights and non-innate rights 3.2 Property rights (ownership) and non-property rights 3.3 Absolute rights and relative rights 3.4 Available rights and unavailable rights 4. PERSONALITY RIGHTS, CREDIT RIGHTS AND OWNERSHIP 5. ACQUISITION, MODIFICATION AND EXTINCTION OF RIGHTS 6. ELEMENTS OF LEGAL RELATIONSHIP 6.1 THE SUBJECTS 6.2 THE OBJECT 6.3 THE LEGAL FACT 6.4 Warranty of obligations
Curricular Unit Teachers
COSTA, Manuel Fernandes, Noções Fundamentais de Direito, ISCAC, Serviços de Acção Social da Universidade de Coimbra (SASUC), Serviço de textos, COIMBRA, 2000.