Bioquimica e Biologia Molecular

Teaching Methodologies

Lecture classes will be targeted at understanding the theoretical foundations of the course, being complemented with practical classes for resolution of questions. In lecture classes the theoretical concepts exposition will be performed by slides projection. In the practical classes the different chapters exercise sheets are solved.
Laboratory classes where the various practical assignments are carried out. During classes, students are confronted with relevant questions in order to assess how they prepared to carry out the work and enhance their understanding of the knowledge acquired. At the end there is an oral discussion, by group, to discuss the theoretical concepts and the results obtained in the work.
Assessment is continuous: (i) written tests (60% of the final grade); (ii) evaluation of Reports and discussion of Experimental Work carried out (30% of the final grade); (iii) assessment of performance in class (10% of the final grade).

Learning Results

The main objective of this course is to provide students with the fundamental concepts of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. It is intended thus, that the students be able to: i) understand the structure and function of the major biological macromolecules; ii) comprehend the various processes of storage and expression of genetic information in the cell; iii) develop the ability to work in groups responsibly and safely, realizing the risks involved in different laboratory practices; iv) acquire laboratory practice in simple procedures such as preparation of solutions, titrations, operation with simple laboratory-scale equipment for the identification, separation and quantification of organic compounds; v) analyse and criticize the experimental results obtained and vi) acquire practice in writing reports and in their oral discussion.


Theoretical contents:
1. Structural Biochemistry
1.1. Biological macromolecules
1.2. Aqueous medium, solubility and pH
1.3. Structure and function of biological macromolecules
1.4. Proteins, carbohydrates, lipids and nucleic acids
2. Molecular Biology
2.1. Genes and genome
2.2. Mechanisms of replication, transcription and protein synthesis
2.3. Regulation of gene expression
2.4. Mechanisms of genetic variability and DNA repair

Practical contents:
1. Study of properties of buffer solutions and their importance in biological systems
2. Study of the acid-base properties of amino acids
3. Carbohydrates and Lipids characterization
4. Nucleic acid characterization.

Curricular Unit Teachers




 Nelson, D., Cox M. (2012). Lehninger Principles of Biochemistry. 6 edition, W.H. Freeman and Company, New York.
 Elliott, W., Elliott, D. (2008). Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. 4 edition, Oxforf University Press.
 Halpern, M., Freire, A., Quintas, A. (2008). Bioquímica – Organização Molecular da Vida, Lidel, Lisboa.
 Campos, L. (2009). Entender a Bioquímica. 5ª edição, Escolar Editora, Lisboa.
 Murray, R., Granner, D., Rodwell, V. (2010). Harper Bioquímica Ilustrada. 28ª edição, Mc Graw Hill, New York.
 Simões, J. A. M., Lampreia, I., Santos, F., Norberto, M. F., Pamplona, M. T. & Meireles, M. M. (2008). Guia de Laboratório em Química e Bioquímica (2ª ed.). Lisboa: Lidel.
 Wilson, K. & Walker, J. M. (1994). Principles and techniques of practical biochemistry (4ª ed.). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.