
Base Knowledge

Biology and Chemistry.

Teaching Methodologies

Teaching methodologies: Presentation of concepts and case studies. Resolution of quizzes. Preparation of presentations, essays, reports, and quizzes.

Learning Results

After attending the discipline of biotechnology is expected that each student:
a) Recognize the potential of biological systems for the industrial production of products;
b) Enumerate the basics of microbiology, analyzing and characterizing microbial growth and recognize the influence of nutritional and physical factors in growth;
c) Have the ability to analyze and interpret the structure and function of biomolecules, and explain the functioning of enzyme kinetics.
d) Explain the differences between the sorts of molecular biology technologies and its relevance for obtaining new biotechnological products and / or improve their production;
e) Identify the advantages and disadvantages of immobilized biocatalysts.


1. Definition of biotechnology and its application areas
2. General Microbiology concepts
a) Microbial taxonomy
b) Major organisms used in biotechnology
c) Identification and cultivation methods of microorganisms
3. General biochemistry concepts
a) Structure and function of biomolecules
b) Classification and nomenclature of enzymes
c) Enzyme kinetics
4. Genetic Engineering Fundamentals
a) Recombinant DNA technology and improvement organisms
b) Mutagenesis and Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) techniques
5. Immobilization of biocatalysts and their applications

Curricular Unit Teachers

Grading Methods

Avaliação periódica / Frequency
  • - Prova escrita individual / Written individual test - 50.0%
  • - Prova escrita individual / Written individual test - 50.0%
Avaliação por Exame / Evaluation by Examination
  • - Prova escrita individual / Written individual test - 100.0%




– Lima, N., Mota, M. (2003). Biotecnologia: Fundamentos e Aplicações. Lidel Edições Técnicas.
– Demain, A.L., Davies, J.E. (Eds) (1999) Manual of Industrial Microbiology and Biotechnology, 2nd. ed.. ASM Press.
– Prescott, L.M., Harley, J.P., Klein, D.A. (2004). Microbiology, 6th. ed. Mc-Graw Hill.
– Ferreira, W.F.C., de Sousa, J.C.F., Lima, N. (2010). Microbiologia. Lidel Edições Técnicas,
– Voet, D.J., Voet, J. G., Pratt, C. W. (2008). Principles of Biochemistry, 3rd. ed.. Wiley.
– Quintas, A., Freire, A.P., Halpern, M.J. (2008). Bioquímica-Organização Molecular da Vida. Lidel Edições Técnicas.
– Cabral, J.M.S., Aires-Barros, M.R., Gama, M. (2003). Engenharia Enzimática, Lidel Edições Técnicas.