Learning Results
Currently, companies know that one of their most valuable assets lies in its brand associated with their
products and services. And so the aim is that students understand the strategic importance of the brand as
a key tool for creating a unique competitive advantage for the company, and hence for creating value. Thus
the main goal is that students gain knowledge of branding and brand management and learn to use the
theories and concepts such as the idea of the brand, brand identity, the brand message, brand value and
the role of the brand. Students also acknowledge how to use principles of strategy, planning, and
evaluation of the brand, in order to manage sustainable profitable brands in the long run; and developing
these decisions about brands in an integrated manner matching with various options concerning the
The student should be able to manage brand (s) of a company, knowing that consumers no longer buy
products but brands they trust.
International branding concepts
The psychology and emotions of brands
The brand value
Building and management of the brand
The identity and brand positioning
Corporate brands
Curricular Unit Teachers
• Aaker, David A., Managing Brand Equity: Capitalizing on the Value of a Brand Name. New York: The Free
• Aaker, David A., Building Strong Brands, New York, The Free Press, 2002.
• Keller, K.L. 2008. Strategic Brand Management. Upper Saddle River: Prentice Hall.
• Lencastre, P. (Ed.), O Livro da Marca, Lisboa: Dom Quixote, 2013.
De Chernatony, L., McDonald, M., Creating Powerful Brands, Oxford: Elsevier, 2003.
• Kapferer, J.-N., The New Strategic Brand Management – Creating and Sustaining Brand Equity Long
Term. 4th edition, London: Kogan Page, 2008.