Budget Accounting

Base Knowledge

Students should know some basic concepts of public accounting and public accounting standardization.

Teaching Methodologies

The teaching methodology will go through classes with interactive exposition, questioning and demonstration with resolution of corresponding exercises.

The flipped classroom and collaborative learning will also be promoted, where students will have the opportunity to expose topics and share experiences.

In this way, it is intended that students learn the syllabus and acquire the defined skills.

Learning Results


The main objective of this course Stimulate the development of a new administrative mentality, considering the new demands that Public Administration is facing.


In this sense, this course has the following specific objectives:

– Provid solid education in accounting and development of skills in the implementation of new accounting and financial systems in public entities;

– Study the role and the different ways of using Accounting in public services within the frame of the reform of the State’s financial administration.

– Present the Public Accounting rules applicable in Portugal, namely the revenue and expenditure phases, the economic classification of revenue and expenditure, the structure and functioning of the accounts of the Accounting Standardization System in Public Administration (SNC-AP).



In terms of acquired skills and knowledge, at the end of the semester students should be able to:

– Assimilate the role and of the different ways of using Accounting in public services within the frame of the reform of the State’s financial administration.

– Understand the general concepts and specific accounting designations of financial, and budget accounting;

– Interpret  the Accounting Standardization System in Public Administration (SNC-AP) namely the revenue and expenditure phases, the economic classification of revenue and expenditure, the structure and functioning of the accounts.


1. Introduction to the Study of Public Finance
1.1 The concept of public finances
1.2 Relationship between public finances and the role of the State
1.3 Fundamentals of State intervention in a mixed economy.

2. Characterization of the Public Sector in Portugal
2.1 Public Administrative Sector (SPA)
2.2 State Business Sector (SEE)

3. Brief historical review
3.1 Introduction
3.2 The Pombaline Reform
3.3 The Reform of State Financial Administration (RAFE)

4. National and international accounting standardization applicable to the Public Sector
4.1 Accounting harmonization: role and objectives of IFAC and harmonization efforts with the European Union
4.2 Conceptual structure and presentation of financial statements

5. The Accounting Standardization System for Public Administrations
5.1 SNC-AP General Structure
5.2 Conceptual Structure
5.3 Objectives and Users of Financial Statements
5.4 Elements of Financial Statements
5.5 Bases for Presenting Financial Statements
5.6 Accounting principles
5.7 Accounting policies and their changes
5.8 NCP 26 – Accounting and Budgetary Reporting
5.9 Simplified Regime

6. The Budgetary, Financial and Patrimonial Organization of the Public Sector
6.1 Autonomy regimes and accounting systems
6.2 Budgetary control and oversight mechanisms
6.3 The Twelfth Regime, Budget Execution and the specificities of closing accounts.
6.4 The Law of Commitments and Late Payments.
6.5 The Budgetary Framework Law
6.6 Budget preparation principles
6.7 Budget execution principles

7. Resolution of practical exercises to apply the subjects

Curricular Unit Teachers





Comissão de Normalização Contabilística (2017). Sistema de Normalização Contabilística para as Administrações Púbicas: Manual de Implementação, Versão 2. Documento disponível em: http://www.cnc.min-financas.pt/pdf/SNC_AP/MANUAL%20DE%20IMPLEMENTACAO_SNC_AP_Versao2_HomologadoSEO.pdf.

Decreto-Lei n.º 192/2015, de 11 de setembro. Sistema de Normalização Contabilística da Administração Pública. Diário da República n.º 178/2015, Série I de 2015-09-11. Ministério das Finanças. Lisboa.

Lei n.º 151/2015, de 11 de setembro, Lei de Enquadramento Orçamental. Diário da República n.º 178/2015, Série I de 2015-09-11. Assembleia da República. Lisboa.

Sarmento, J. M. (2016). A Nova Lei de Enquadramento Orçamental. Almedina, Coimbra.



Franco, A. L. S. (1995). Finanças Públicas e Direito Financeiro, Volume I. Almedina. Coimbra.

Marques, M. (2001). Da contabilidade Pública Tradicional à Contabilidade Pública Atual. Jornal do Técnico de Contas e da Empresa, n.º 435. Lisboa, pp. 693-703.