Base Knowledge
Teaching Methodologies
– Dynamization of sessions of a theoretical-practical nature, alternating moments of theoretical exposition and practical tasks performed by students following the contents covered;
– Use of the online platform, where the material resources used during the sessions will be made available, other additional documents that help students to deepen content covered in the educational context and spaces for virtual interaction.
The assessment complies with the Internal Regulations of the Escola Superior de Educação, so students can choose one of the following modalities: assessment by frequency or assessment by examination.
The exam takes place at the end of the semester, covering all the syllabus taught and summarized. It is presented in the form of a written test (without consultation).
Assessment by frequency assumes a continuous character, taking into account the quality of student participation in the programmed activities, in particular in the work sessions during classes, in addition to the results obtained with the products expressly prepared for the assessment.
Elements of evaluation are:
– A written and oral presentation of a proposal for mediation of reading a literary text for children (50%);
– A written and oral presentation of a proposal for mediation of reading a literary text for young people/adults (50%).
Learning Results
– To understand theoretical aspects in the field of Children and Young Adult Literature (CYL);
– Understand the specificity, scope, status and stages of evolution and trends of CYL;
– Analyze texts of different types, detecting specific graphic-plastic, discursive, rhetorical-stylistic, narratological and specific poetic-symbolic procedures;
– To understand the relevance of the adult-mediator in the creation of reading habits and in the formation of readers, and to reflect on strategies to promote and encourage reading in non-formal educational contexts.
1. Children’s and Young Adult Literature:
1.1. Terminological concept and diversity;
1.2. Scope, legitimation and evolution of the concept;
1.3. Children’s Literature and Youth Literature.
2. Literary education, reading and literature;
3. Literature of Oral Tradition and Children and Youth Literature: Children’s rhymes; author poetry; Traditional tales and author’s tales: versions, adaptations and rewriting;
4. Reading / narration practices and strategies in formal and non-formal educational contexts: Reading aloud and oral narration; Multidimodal reading.
5. Promotion and animation of reading;
6. Reading and animation proposals for literary reading in non-formal contexts: presentation of practical works.
Curricular Unit Teachers
Grading Methods
- - Synthesis work - 50.0%
- - Individual and/or Group Work - 50.0%
- - Exam - 100.0%
AZEVEDO, F. (2006). Literatura Infantil e Leitores. Da Teoria às Práticas. Braga: IEC.
BALÇA, A. & M. PIRES (2013). Literatura infantil e juvenil. Formação de leitores. S/L.: Santillana.
CERRILLO, P. (2007). Literatura Infantil y Juvenil y educación literária. S/l.: Editorial Octaedro.
CERVERA, J. (1991). Teoría de la Literatura Infantil. Bilbao: Ediciones Mensajero.
COLOMER, T. (2010). Introducción a la literatura infantil y juvenil actual. Madrid: Síntesis.
MENDES, T. (2015). Vozes e Silêncio: a Poética do (Des)encontro na Literatura para Jovens. Madrid: Bubok.
PIRES, M. N. (2005). Pontes e Fronteiras. Da literatura tradicional à literatura contemporânea. Lisboa: Caminho.
RAMOS, A. M. (2012). Tendências contemporâneas da Literatura para a infância contemporânea. Porto: Tropelias e Companhia.
SILVA, S. R. (2012). Entre Textos – Perspectivas sobre a Literatura para a Infância e a Juventude. Porto: Tropelias e Companhia.