Clinical Audiology I

Base Knowledge

It is recommended that the student has already acquired notions of anatomy and physiology, in curricular
units from previous years in the course of study of the Audiology course, in order to be able to follow the
teaching of the various subjects, where, for the understanding of the techniques used, it is necessary to
understand the anatomy and physiology underlying the assessment methodology.

Teaching Methodologies

Lectures on TP contents integrating practical contents through exercises. Practical classes with the
application of different TP knowledge in the Audiology laboratory, where it is
intended that students acquire knowledge of the techniques and test methodologies taught in the T/P
Making exercise sheets.

Learning Results

Acquire the necessary understanding of auditory information processing concepts.
Identify the prevalence and incidence of hearing loss including the impact of hearing impairment on the lives of
individuals, differentiating by age that impact.
Identify appropriate assessment methods in the auditory system, according to the evaluated structures, taking into
account the functions and objectives of the evaluation.
Identify and analyze the types and degrees of hearing loss, knowing the symbols and methods of realization of pure
tonal audiogram (without masking).
Interpret and understand the clinical relevance of impedance, comprising the role of the middle ear in the auditory
process and its functions related with information processing.
Identify the structures and mechanisms involved in the process of generation of otoacoustic emissions.
Choosing suitably otoacoustic emissions according to clinical conditions, age and media types available


2h -Definition of Audiology.
8h -Pure tone Audiometry-Notion of hearing threshold. Types, componentes,norms and transducers audiometer.
– Calculation of the Auditory Threshold – Techniques Carhart-Jerger and ANSI 2004 and 2005 guidelines.
Comparison of Thresholds Airway and Bone Way-conductive and sensory mechanisms. Air-bone gap. Type and
degree of hypoacousis – BIAP, 1997.Bing test, Rinne and Weber.
2h- Otoscopy.Health and safety in health care.
8h -Impedance:Notions Immitance, Acoustic Impedance and Admittance Acoustics. Variations in impedance and
pressure – Tympanogram. Definition of acoustic reflexes. Ipsilateral and contralateral reflexes. Arc Reflection
Acoustic Reflexes – ipsilateral and contralateral pathways and structures involved.Reflex Decay. Evidence of tubal
function – closed Tymp: Valsalva and Toynbee; open tymp: Holmquist.
6h – Types of OEA: evoked and spontaneous. Acquisition parameters and analyzing responses. Clinical
4h – Evaluation

Curricular Unit Teachers




BESS, Fred, H.; HUMES, Larry – “Audiology: the fundamentals”. Editora Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 4ª Edição,
2008. ISBN: 0781766435, 9780781766432
GELFAND, S. – “Essentials of Audiology”. Thieme Medical Publishers, Inc. New York. 3rd Ed. 2009.
HALL, James. W. “Handbook of Otoacoustic Emissions”. Canada. Editora: Singular Publish Group – Thompson
Learning, 2000.
KATZ, J. et al. – “Handbook of Clinical Audiology”. 6ºEdição. Philadelphia. Editora: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins,
REIS, J.L. – “Surdez, Diagnostico E Reabilitação”. Lisboa, Servier Portugal, 2002
ROBINNETE, M; GLATTKET, T. – “Otoacoustic Emissions, Clinical Aplications”. New York, Thieme, 2007
RUAH, S. ; RUAH, C.B. – “Manual De Otorrinolaringologia”. Lisboa, Roche, 1998.
VALENTE, M.; HOSFORD-DUNN; H. e ROESER. R.- “Audiology – Diagnosis”. 2ª Edição. Editora: Thieme, 2007.
WEINSTEIN, B.E. – Geriatric Audiology – Editora Thieme, 2012. ISBN – 9781604067750