Clinical Education III

Base Knowledge

Knowledge of assessment and intervention in users/patients with neuromusculoskeletal and neurological conditions.

Teaching Methodologies

The acquisition of knowledge, skills and competences in the scope of the physiotherapy for neuromusculoskeletal and neurological conditions is operationalized through supervised clinical practice in the assessment and/or intervention in users/patients with neuromusculoskeletal and neurological conditions.

Learning Results

The curricular unit Clinical Education III contemplates the acquisition of the following knowledge, skills and competence, in the field of physiotherapy in neuromusculoskeletal and neurological conditions:
a) To assess and treat a variety of patients;
b) To work under the supervision of qualified Physiotherapists and Institutions to whom the School recognizes idoneity;
c) To integrate the theoretical and theoretical-practical studies;
d) To make the students able to learn to see their intervention in the context of the overall needs of the patient/user;
e) To strengthen the aspects of effectiveness, efficiency and safety of their work;
f) To maintain an ethical approach to patients and staff;
g) To interconnect the various disciplines related to Health Care;
h) To collect and interpret objectively and accurately relevant information about the patient, using appropriate assessment processes;
i) To assess general and specific problems;
j) To decide the short and long term goals;
k) To select the appropriate intervention taking into account the prognosis and the social involvement of the patient and his overall treatment;
l) To evaluate the results of the intervention, in the short and long term, taking into account the overall assessment of the patient, family and other team members when needed;
m) To maintain updated records of treatment and of patient’s progress;
n) To plan an educational program for the patient, family and others caregivers.


Supervised practice in the assessment and/or intervention in users/patients with neuromusculoskeletal and neurological conditions:
a) Preparation of the clinical history for the purpose of physiotherapy;
b) Observation and examination of the user/patient, focusing on problems that require the intervention of the physiotherapist;
c) Records of assessment and intervention;
d) Design of an intervention program;
e) Implementation of certain treatment techniques;
f) Development of relationship and communication skills with the user/patient;
g) Development of professional behavior/attitude (according to the principles of professional ethics).

Curricular Unit Teachers




Main bibliography:

Guide to Physical Therapist Practice 3.0. doi: 10.2522/ptguide3.0_978-1-931369-85-5. Updated 2014 American Physical Therapy Association.

Ordem dos Fisioterapeutas (2023). Regulamento do Ato do Fisioterapeuta. Regulamento n.º 490/2023 publicado em Diário da República, 2.ª série, 3 de maio de 2023.

Ordem dos Fisioterapeutas (2023). Código Deontológico. Regulamento n.º 457/2023 publicado em Diário da República, 2.ª série, 18 de abril de 2023.

Regulamento Académico da Licenciatura em Fisioterapia da Escola Superior de Tecnologia da Saúde de Coimbra, do Instituto Politécnico de Coimbra.


Complementary bibliography:

APFisio (2020). O Perfil de Competências do Fisioterapeuta (1ª revisão). Lisboa: Associação Portuguesa de Fisioterapeutas.

Ordem dos Fisioterapeutas (2021). Referencial da Formação Inicial para a Inscrição na OF – Acesso ao Exercício da Profissão de Fisioterapeuta. Lisboa: Ordem dos Fisioterapeutas.