Clinical Education IV

Base Knowledge

Knowledge of assessment and intervention techniques in Physiotherapy, namely in the cardiorespiratory or neurological or neuro-musculoskeletal area

Teaching Methodologies

The acquisition of knowledge, skills and competences within the scope of physiotherapy in cardiorespiratory conditions is operationalized through supervised clinical practice in the assessment and/or intervention in users/patients,  with cardiovascular and/or respiratory or neurological or neuro-musculoskeletal disorders:


Learning Results

Acquisition of the following knowledge, skills and competences,  in the context of physiotherapy in cardiorespiratory or neurological or neuro-musculoskeletal conditions:

     a) Assess and treat a variety of patients;

     b) Work under the supervision of qualified Physiotherapists and in Institutions recognized by the School;

     c) Integrate theoretical and theoretical-practical studies;

     d) Make students able to learn to see their intervention in the context of the global needs of the patient/user;

     e) Reinforce the aspects of efficiency, effectiveness and safety of their work;

     f) Maintain an ethical approach towards patients and staff;

     g) Interconnect the various disciplines related to Health Care;

     h) Accurately and objectively collect and interpret pertinent information about the patient, using appropriate assessment processes;

     i) Assess general and specific problems;

     j) Decide, among the objectives, the short and long term ones;

     k) Appropriately select the intervention taking into account the prognosis and social involvement of the patient and their overall treatment;

     l) Assess the results of the intervention, in the short and long term, taking into account the global assessment of the patient, family and other team members, when necessary;

     m) Keep the patient’s treatment and progress records updated;

     n) Plan an educational program for the patient, family and others who care for it.


Supervised practice in the assessment and intervention in users/patients with cardiorespiratory or neurological or neuro-musculoskeletal  conditions:

a) Preparation of the clinical history for the purpose of physical therapy;

b) Observation and examination of the user/patient, focused on the problems that require the intervention of the physiotherapist;

c) Assessment and intervention records;

d) Planning an intervention program;

e) Execution of certain treatment techniques;

f) Development of relationship and communication skills with the user/patient;

g) Development of professional behavior/attitude (according to the principles of professional ethics).

Curricular Unit Teachers




Primary Reference:

– Guide to Physical Therapist Practice. 3.0. American Physical Therapy Association.

 – Regulamento Académico da Licenciatura em Fisioterapia- ESTeSC-IPC

Secondary Reference:

-Grupo de Interesse em Fisioterapia Cardiorrespiratória da Associação Portuguesa de Fisioterapeutas (2019). INSTRUMENTOS DE MEDIDA EM FISIOTERAPIA CARDIORRESPIRATÓRIA. ISBN:978-972-96015-3-8

APFisio (2020). O Perfil de Competências do Fisioterapeuta (1ª revisão). Lisboa: Associação Portuguesa de
– APFisio (2021). Princípios e Responsabilidades Éticas dos Fisioterapeutas. Lisboa: Associação Portuguesa de