Base Knowledge
Knowledge of assessment and intervention techniques in Physiotherapy
Teaching Methodologies
The acquisition of knowledge, skills and competences within the scope of physiotherapy under specific conditions is operationalized through supervised clinical practice in the evaluation and/or intervention in users/patients with specific conditions.
Learning Results
The curricular unit Clinical Education V contemplates the acquisition of the following knowledge, skills and
competences, within the scope of physiotherapy in specific conditions (area of sports or neuropediatrics or cardiorespiratory):
a) Assess and treat patients;
b) Work under the supervision of Physiotherapists;
c) Integrate theoretical and theoretical-practical studies;
d) Maintain an ethical approach;
e) Collect and interpret accurately and objectively relevant information about the patient;
f) Assess general and specific problems;
g) Decide, among the objectives, short and long term;
h) Appropriately select the intervention taking into account the patient’s prognosis and social involvement and
its overall treatment;
i) Evaluate the results of the intervention, in the short and long term;
j) Keep records up to date;
k) Plan an educational program.
Supervised practice in the evaluation and/or intervention in users/patients with specific conditions (area of sports or neuropediatrics or cardiorespiratory):
a) Preparation of clinical history for the purpose of physiotherapy;
b) Observation and examination of the user/focused on the problems that require the intervention of the physiotherapist;
c) Evaluation and intervention records;
d) Planning an intervention program;
e) Execution of certain treatment techniques;
f) Development of relationship and communication skills with the user/patient;
g) Development of professional behavior/attitude (according to the principles of professional ethics).
Curricular Unit Teachers
Main bibliography:
Guide to Physical Therapist Practice 3.0. doi: 10.2522/ptguide3.0_978-1-931369-85-5. Updated 2014
American Physical Therapy Association.
Regulamento Académico da Licenciatura em Fisioterapia- ESTeSC-IPC
Complementary bibliography:
APFisio (2020). O Perfil de Competências do Fisioterapeuta (1ª revisão). Lisboa: Associação Portuguesa de
APFisio (2021). Princípios e Responsabilidades Éticas dos Fisioterapeutas. Lisboa: Associação Portuguesa de