Communication, Negotiation and Conflict Management

Base Knowledge

nothing to report.

Teaching Methodologies

The teaching of the curricular unit has an eminently theoretical-practical character. Along with the presentation and analysis of concepts and theoretical approaches, the method will focus on active methodologies of behavioral self-diagnosis, analysis and case simulation.

Learning Results


Acquisition of knowledge and skills that provide a complete understanding of the relevance of communication processes ,conflict management and negotiation in an organizational context. Alongside the theoretical approaches and models, it is intended that students become familiar with behaviors and methodologies that, in an organizational context, allow them to fully participate and manage communication, negotiation and conflict dimensions, contributing to value creation and individual fulfillment of people.

Skills to develop:

– Understand the organizational relevance, interconnection and effects on the organizational climate of the phenomena of communication, negotiation and interpersonal conflict;

– Know theoretical approaches and models on the topics of communication, conflict management and negotiation;

 – Develop effective communication skills, identifying the communication styles of the interlocutors;

– Understand the functionality of problems and the dysfunctionality of conflicts;

– Know and identify the stages of conflict escalation;

– Develop constructive conflict management skills;

– Know the phases of a negotiation process and respective strategies and practices;

– Understand the influence of individual characteristics on the negotiation process.


1. Introduction

1.1. Theoretical and practical relevance of communication, conflict management and negotiation themes in organizational context.
1.2. Interrelationship and effects on the organizational climate.

2. Interpersonal communication

2.1. Communicational effectiveness: process; active listening and constructive feedback.

2.2. Communication styles and adaptation to the interlocutors profile.

2.3. Communicational self-diagnosis.

3. Interpersonal conflict

3.1.Characterization of interpersonal conflict: functionality of problems and dysfunctionality of conflicts.

3.2. Situations that conflicts prefer and conflict escalation.

3.3. Evolution of theoretical approaches to conflict management.

3.4. Conflict and behavior management strategies.

3.5. Behavioral profile self-diagnosis.

4. Negotiation

4.1. Negotiation process and phases.

4.2. Negotiation strategies and techniques.

4.3. Influence of individual characteristics on the negotiation process.

Curricular Unit Teachers




Fundamental bibliography:

– Carvalho, J. C. (2020). Negociação (6ª Ed). Lisboa: Edições Sílabo.

– Pina e Cunha et al. (2016). Manual de comportamento organizacional e gestão (8ª ed.). Lisboa: Editora RH.

 Additional bibliography:

Cunha, P. & Leitão, S. (2012). Manual de gestão construtiva de conflitos (2ª Ed.). Edições. Porto: Universidade Fernando.

– Pinto-Moreira, P. (2011). A funcionalidade dos problemas e a disfuncionalidade dos conflitos interpessoais nas organizações. Recursos Humanos Magazine, 72: 36-40.

– Roche, W.K., Teague, P. & Colvin, A.J.S. (2014) The oxford handbook of conflict management in organizations. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press.

– Robbins, S.P & Judge, T.A. (2017). Organizational behavior (17th Ed.). Essex: Pearson.

– Zartman, I.W. (2007). Negotiation and conflict management: Essays on theory and practice. London: Routledge.