Computer Law

Base Knowledge

Knowledge of fundamental rights.

Teaching Methodologies

The methodology used will favor the active participation of students, in a dynamic that will be based on the following methodological and technical procedures: Affirmative method: presentation of basic information by the teacher (expository and demonstrative). Interrogative method: critical analysis and discussion of selected texts that exemplify concepts, methods, techniques and procedures presented. Active method: teaching by discovery, resolution and discussion of case studies. Questions are asked during the exhibition and digital platforms are used. Debates/discussions will be promoted in class and case studies will be resolved in the classroom, as already mentioned. The current and relevant jurisprudence on the subjects taught will always be analyzed.


Learning Results

The discipline has a relatively recent history in the Portuguese legal scene. The emergence of this new branch of Law is the result of the evolution of information and communication technologies and the need to establish a legal-normative framework.

The analysis will focus firstly on the technical-evolutionary perspective of information and communication technologies (ICT), followed by the legal protection of personal data, e-commerce and digital computer crime.

Skills to be acquired:

– Understand the evolution of information and communication technologies;

– Understand the legal framework for the protection of personal data: in a static and dynamic perspective;

– Understand the legal regime of e-commerce;

– Understand the phenomenon of computer crime from a social and legal perspective



 CHAPTER I – Constitutional Matrix for the Protection of Personal Data:

 1. Historical-legal approach

 2. The constitutional consecration of the protection of personal data

 CHAPTER II – Scope of the Right to Informative Self-Determination

 CHAPTER III – Legal Protection of Personal Data

 1. Rights of data subjects

 2. Processing of personal data

 3. Transfer of personal data within the country, to the EU and to third countries


  1. Law 58/2019 of August 8.

  2. Law 59/2019 of August 8.

 CHAPTER V – Specific Domains of Personal Data Protection

 1. Video Surveillance Social Networks

 2.Location on mobile devices

 3. The new paradigm of Personal Data Protection

 CHAPTER VI – Electronic Commerce

 1. Electronic Contracting

 2. Signature and Digital Invoice

 3. Computer-Digital Crime

Curricular Unit Teachers





CASTRO, CATARINA SARMENTO, Direito da Informática, Privacidade e Dados Pessoais, Almedina: Coimbra, 2005;

MAGALHÃES, Filipa Matias, PEREIRA, Maria Leitão. Regulamento Geral de Proteção de Dados . Editora: Vida Económica, 3.ª Edição Revista e Ampliada, 2020;

MARTINS, LOURENÇO, Criminalidade Informática, in Direito da Sociedade da Informação, Coimbra Editora: Coimbra, vol. IV, p. 9-41

MARQUES, Garcia/MARTINS, Lourenço, Direito da Informática, Almedina: Coimbra, 2006

Venâncio, Pedro Dias, A lei do Cibercrime Anotada e Comentada, Coimbra Editora, Coimbra, 2011.


FAZENDEIRO, Ana, Regulamento Geral Sobre a Proteção de Dados – Algumas notas sobre o RGPD . Almedina: Coimbra, 3.ª Edição, 2018;

MARQUES, Garcia/MARTINS, Lourenço, Direito da Informática, Almedina: Coimbra, 2006;

PINHEIRO, Alexandre Sousa. Comentário ao Regulamento Geral de Proteção de Dados . Almedina, Coimbra, 2018.

ROCHA, Manuel Lopes/MARQUES, Ana Margarida/BERNARDO, André Lencastre, Guia da Lei do Comércio Electrónico, Colecção/Direito das Novas Tecnologias, Centro Atlâ, Portugal, 2004;

SALDANHA, Nuno. Novo Regulamento Geral de Proteção de Dados – O que é? A quem se aplica? Como implementar? Editora: FCA, 2018.

TEIXEIRA, Glória (Coordenadora), in: O comércio electrónico,Estudos Jurídico-Económicos, Livraria Almedina, Coimbra, Fevereiro 2002

VALENTE, Edgar Alexandre. Legislação de Informática Jurídica . Editora: Petrony, Coimbra, 2018;

VEIGA, Armando, Legislação de Direito da Informática, 2.ª Edição, Coimbra Editora, Coimbra, 2009; AAVV, Sociedade de Informação – O Percurso Português, Lisboa: Edições Sílabo, 2007;