Conservation and Commercialization of Organic Products

Base Knowledge

Not applicable

Teaching Methodologies

In order to achieve the objectives of the curricular unit and the competences foreseen for the students, the learning teaching process is based on:

  1. In theoretical-practical classes in which the teacher conveys theoretical concepts, followed by practical application by the student;
  2. In the realization and discussion of projects that study the route from the field to the plate of biological products, previously chosen by the students.

Learning Results

  1. Know the processes of senescence
  2. Identify the general causes of deterioration of vegetables, fruits and seeds
  3. Recognize storage conditions
  4. Know the conditions necessary for the conservation of various plant products
  5. Identify physiological accidents and post-harvest diseases
  6. Know the methods of control of physiological accidents and post-harvest diseases in Organic Farming
  7. Know the principles of cycles and life of plant products
  8. Identify the marketing circuits of fruit and vegetables, grains and seeds
  9. Recognize the importance of farmer associations


  1. Senescence processes
  2. Causes of fruit and vegetable decomposition and influence of environmental factors
  3. Conservation techniques
  4. Influence of cultural techniques on conservation
  5. Necessary conditions for the conservation of different fruits, vegetables and seeds
  6. Main physiological accidents and post-harvest diseases
  7. Life cycles of organically produced plant products
  8. Consumer behavior
  9. Marketing circuits
  10. Marketing strategies
  11. Importance of producer associations and organizations

Curricular Unit Teachers




  • BAOURAKIS, G. – Marketing trends for organic food in the 21st century. Series on Computers and Operations Reserch, Vol 3. 2004.
  • BARROSO, M., MADUREIRA, T. – Marketing nas pequenas e médias explorações agrícolas. SPI. Porto. 2005.
  • BONDOUX, P. – Maladi de conservation des fruits à pépins – pommes et poires.  INRA Editions. Paris. 1992.
  • CALDENTY, P. – Vender en Agricultura.Ediciones Mundi-Prensa. Madrid. 1988.
  • DOMINGOS, A. – Manuseamento de produtos hortofrutícolas. SPI. Porto. 2005.
  • GUET, G. – Agriculture biologique méditerranéenne – Guide pratique à usage professionnel. Graphot, Saint-Paul-TroisChâteaux. 1993.
  • HERRERO, A. & GUARDIA, J. – Conservacion de frutos. Manual técnico. Ediciones Mundi-Prensa. Madrid. 1992.
  • MARREIROS, C.G. – Marketing de Produtos Agrícolas. Publicação co-financiada pelo Fundo Social Europeu. 2009.
  • NAMESNY, A. – Post-recoleccion de hortalizas. Volume I, II e III..Ediciones Reus. 1993, 1996 e 1999.
  • NORONHA, M. T. (editor) – Circuitos de comercialização dos produtos hortícolas do Algarve: Situações de bloqueio e perspectivas. PRAXIS XXI – 3/3.2/HORT/2161/95.
  • VINAS, I. RECASENS, I. USALL, J. GRAELL, J. – Poscosecha de pera, manzana y melocotón. Ediciones Mundi-Prensa. Madrid. 2013. 

