Conservation Biology

Teaching Methodologies

1. Formal lectures to transmit theoretical contents.
2. Specialized search, by the students, orientated by the teacher about particular topics
3. Hands-on field study: field visit to a Protected Area in order to observe, collect data, analyze the situation and
propose an intervention plan;
4. Students presentations and discussion of search results/topics explored

Learning Results

a. To know the main theories, concepts and types of biological conservation
b. To understand the principles of biological diversity conservation
c. To know how to recognize and evaluate the main threats to biological diversity
d. To know how to monitor populations and quantify biological diversity
e. To know legal frameworks applied to species and habitats conservation
f. To be able to collaborate on the development of proposals and implementation of conservation/ management
plans of species and habitats
g. To be able to collaborate on the selection, evaluation and management of areas with interest for conservation
and/ or protection status.


1. Introduction to nature conservation: a) values and philosophy; b) interdisciplinary; c) ethics and conservation; d)
main concepts
2. Biodiversity: a) how to measure; c) levels of diversity
3. Threats to biodiversity: a) habitats destruction; b) over-explotation of resources; c) biological invasions; d)
climatic changes; e) pests and diseases; ect.
4. Conservation of species and populations: a) monitoring; b) loss of genetic variability; c) populations dynamics;
d) analyses of viability; e) vulnerability to extinction
5. Conservation of habitats and ecosystems: a) species interactions; b) succession; c) landscape diversity; d)
keystone species, flagship species and indicator species; e) fragmentation, insularity
6. Legal protection status of species and habitats: Habitats Directive and Red Books
7. Conservation in-situ and ex-situ.
8. Action plans to conservation and / or management of species and habitats

Grading Methods

Avaliação Por Exame
  • - componente prática de análise de um caso de estudo - 40.0%
  • - componente teórica - 60.0%
Avaliação Continua
  • - 2) Teste teórico - 60.0%
  • - 1) Trabalhos práticos e/ ou de pesquisa com possibilidade de apresentação oral - 40.0%




Sociedade Portuguesa de Botânica. 2012-2013. Flora-On: Flora de Portugal interactiva. disponível em

Jeffries, M. 1997. Biodiversity and Conservation. Routledge, New York.

Gafta, D. & Akeroyd, J. 2006. Nature conservation: concepts and practice. Springer

Marchante, H., Morais, M., Freitas, H. & Marchante, E. 2014. Guia Prático para a Identificação de Plantas Invasoras em Portugal. Imprensa da Universidade de Coimbra. Coimbra. Pp. 208. ISBN: 978-989-26-0785-6

Primack, R.B. 2010. Essential of Conservation Biology. 5ª Ed. Sinawer.

Legislação específica sob a forma de Directivas, Decretos-Lei, Portarias, etc.