Base Knowledge
Knowledge about the constraints of organic production systems and about the legislation for this production method.
Teaching Methodologies
The classes are theoretical and practical and an expositive methodology is used for the presentation of theoretical subjects, immediately exemplified with specific situations applied in the conversion project of the farms chosen by the students.
Learning Results
With this curricular unit it is intended that the student achieves the following objectives:
1 – Understands the potentialities and constraints of a farm for its conversion into Organic Production Mode.
2 – Develops a project for the conversion of a conventional farm into Organic Production.
3 – Assesses, technically and economically the investment proposal.
1 – Introducing to public policies for supporting the conversion of conventional agricultural production to organic farming.
2 – Methodologies for soil and climate characterization, assessement of the socio-economical situation and of the potential of the region where the enterprise is located.
3 – Technical specifications for the agriculture and livestock production:
3.1 – Identification of the main activities and techniques implemented in conventional mode,
3.2 – Identification of activities and techniques to develop in organic farming,
3.3 – Development of a conversion plan and optimization of the production.
4 – Economic-financial analysis of the conversion plan:
4.1 – Types of budgets to use,
4.2 – Structure and process of elaboration of the project’s cash flow,
4.3 – Criteria for profitability analysis.
Curricular Unit Teachers
Grading Methods
- - Apresentação escrita de um projecto de conversão e optimização de uma empresa para MPB - 60.0%
- - Apresentação oral com discussão sobre o projecto de conversão - 40.0%
ABECASSIS, F. e CABRAL, N. – Análise económica e financeira de projectos. Lisboa: Fundação C. Gulbenkian, 1991. BARROS, C. – Decisões de investimento e financiamento de projectos. Lisboa: Ed. Sílabo, 1991. FERREIRA, J., SRECHT, A., RIBEIRO, J., SOEIRO, A. e COTRIM, G. – Manual de Agricultura Biológica. Fertilização e protecção das plantas para uma agricultura sustentável. AGROBIO, 3 Ed, 2002. HANSEN, A. – The Organic Farming Manual. Ed. Storey MA 01247, EUA, 2010 NEWTON, J. -Profitable Organic Farming. 2 Ed. Blackwell Science UK, 2004 OVELHEIRO, M. – Estudo de Casos de Boas Práticas de Gestão de Explorações Agrícolas. SPI, 2005. ROLDÃO, V. – Gestão de Projectos: Abordagem Instrumental ao Planeamento, Organização e Controlo. Lx: Monitor, 2005. SERRANO, J. – Agricultura Ecológica. Manual y Guía Didáctica. IRMA, 2003. TRIGUEIRO, J.J., ABREU, J.M., SILVA, D. – Conceitos e Práticas em Modernas Explorações Agrícolas. SPI, 2005. URBANO TÉRRON, P. – Fitotecnia. Madrid: Ed. MPrensa 2002