Crop Protection

Base Knowledge

Biology, Microbiology, Plant Health

Teaching Methodologies

To achieve the objectives of the Curricular Unit and the acquisition of the expected competences, the teaching learning process is based on

– In classes of presentation and discussion of theoretical concepts, by the teacher and students;

– In field classes held on the farm of the ESAC where students come into contact with crop enemies and develop different techniques for estimating risk;

– In laboratory classes with development of methodologies for identification and quantification of enemies and auxiliaries detected in the risk estimation;

– In the development of bibliographic research on topics within the scope of the curricular unit and subsequent presentations by the students;

– The preparation of three interconnected works. The first involves drawing up the field book that will be used to collect the data. The second paper is a bibliographical survey on the subject (e.g. life cycles of pests and diseases and their means of protection). Finally, the third paper integrates the results and discusses them in a panel format.

Learning Results

1. Knows methodologies for estimating risk and its importance; 2. Knows and adapts to specific situations, the direct and indirect control measures and their application; 3. Knows the Chemical Fight, toxicological aspects, its proper use, Safety Interval and Maximum Residue Limit


1. risk estimation methodologies and their importance:

– Principles and components of crop protection. The estimation of risk. The economic level of attack and the development models of crop enemies;

– The decision making;

– The OILB/SROP and its importance for the development of crop protection and sustainable agriculture.

2. Indirect control measures:

– Legislative Struggle. Quarantine. International rules of movement of plant material. Phytosanitary protection measures;

– Genetic struggle. Forms of plant resistance;

– Cultural, Mechanical and natural limitation. The optimal use of natural resources. Cultural practices without negative impact on ecosystems. The promotion of the development of auxiliaries.

3. Direct struggle measures:

– Physical Fighting, Mechanical Fighting or cultural measures and Thermal Fighting;

– Biological control. Classic biological control and biological treatment. Inoculation and inundation;

– Biotechnical control. Insect growth regulators, semiochemicals, allelochemicals, pheromones and autocidal control;

– Chemical Fighting/Phytopharmacology.

Composition of plant protection products. The adjuvants. The formulations. The classification. Toxicology of plant protection products. Toxicology for organisms to be combated. Toxicology for man, domestic animals and wildlife. Behavior in the environment. Residues, tolerances and safety ranges. Resistance to plant protection products. Legislation on plant protection products. The approval. The safe use of plant protection products. The Sustainable Use of Pesticides. The use of pesticides in organic farming.

Curricular Unit Teachers




AMARO, P. A Protecção Integrada. ISA Press. 2003.

COUTINHO, C. Artrópodes Auxiliares na Agricultura. Colecção Uma Agricultura co Norte. MADRP, DRAPN. 2007.

CUNHA, M. J.; CASAU, F.; AMARO, R. e OLIVEIRA, A. Tecnologias Limpas em Agro-Pecuária. Colecção Agricultura e Ambiente. Sociedade Portuguesa de Inovação. 2005.

FERREIRA, J. C. (Coord). As bases da Agricutura Biológica. Tomo I – Produção Vegetal. EDIBIO. 2012.

FRESCATA, C. Protecção contra pragas sem luta química. Colecção AGRO. Publicações EuropaAmérica. 2004.

RAIMUNDO, A.A.C. e GOMES ALVES, M.L. Revisão dos Coccinelídeos de Portugal. Évora. 1986.

SIMÕES, J. S. Utilização de Produtos Fitofarmacêuticos na Agricultura. Colecção Agricultura e Ambiente. Sociedade Portuguesa de Inovação. 2005.

TORRES, L. A Fauna Auxiliar do Olival e a sua Conservação. Projecto AGRO 296. João Azevedo Editor. 2006.

TORRES, L. (Coord.). Amigos desconhecidos do Agricultor – insectos, ácaros e aranhas. Colecção o Campo no seu bolso, nº 1. EDIBIO. 2010. 7

A.C.T.A. Guide Pratique de Défense des Cultures. 3ed. Paris. 1990.

ACTA (1991). Les auxiliaires. Ennemies natureles des ravageurs des cultures. Paris. 1991.

BOVEY, R. La Défense des Plantes Cultivées. 7ed. Payot Lausanne, Paris. 1979.

BYE, P.; DESCOINS, C. e DESHAYES, A. Un point sur. Phytosanitaires, Protection des Plantes, Biopesticides. INRA editions. 1991.

HELYER, N.; BROWN, K. e CATTLIN, N.D. Biological control in Plant Protection. Timber Press, Inc. 2003.

Legislação diversa sobre Protecção das Plantas e Produtos Fitofarmacêuticos.

Manuais Técnicos do Ministério da Agricultura sobre Protecção Integrada, Produção Integrada, Agricultura Biológica e Produtos Fitofarmacêuticos.