Base Knowledge
Teaching Methodologies
The methodological choices conducive to the fulfillment of the program of the course will focus on two key educational components:
– Oral presentation oriented to the estimated contents;
– Study and reflection, under the guidance of the teacher.
The evaluation on the curricular unit will, at the option of the student, of the following modalities:
– Continuous evaluation;
– Exam.
The evaluation in those modalities will obey criteria that will be explained in the statements and/or oyher elements presented, according to the following components and weights:
– Participation – weight of 20% in the overall evaluation;
– Work (in group): weight of 30% in the overall evaluation;
– Test – weight of 50% in the overall evaluation.
– The syllabus domain – weight of 70% in the overall evaluation of the exam;
– Ability to express ideas – weight of 30% in the overall evaluation of the exam.
Learning Results
3.1 To know and understand the evolution of design and its theoretical correlations.
3.2 To consider the design role within different interdisciplinary relationships and dynamics.
3.3 To interpret the design according to conceptual, communicational and cultural plans.
3.4 To acquire knowledge and develop skills of analysis and reflection on the theoretical framework of design.
4.2 Design
4.1.1 Design significance and definitions
4.1.2 Design conceptualization and domains / variants
4.1.3 Design essencial principles
4.2 Design and (inter)disciplinarity
4.2.1 Design, art, and technology
4.2.2 Speeches, morphologies and poetics
4.2.3 Cultur and globalization
4.3 Design and complexity
4.3.1 Globalization and design
4.3.2 Design, evolution and dialectics
4.3.3 Change and design management
4.4 Project theory in design
4.4.1 Project, design and intention
4.4.2 Project methodology(ies)
4.4.3 Research in design
Curricular Unit Teachers
Grading Methods
- - The syllabus domain - 70.0%
- - Ability to express ideas - 30.0%
- - Test - 50.0%
- - Participation - 20.0%
- - Work (in group) - 30.0%
Burdek, B. (2011). História, teoria e prática do design de produtos. Edgard Blücher.
Dormer, P. (1995). Os significados do design moderno. Centro português de Design.
Flusser, V. (2010). Uma filosofia do design: a forma das coisas. Relógio d’Água.
Heskett, J. (2005). El diseño en la vida cotidiana.Editorial Gustavo Gili, S.A.
Jullier, G. (2015). La Cultura del Diseño. Gustavo Gilli
Lidwell at al (2011). Princípios universales de diseño.Blume.
Patrocínio, G. & Nunes, J. (Orgs). (2018). Design & desenvolvimento – 40 anos depois. Blucher.
Megido, V. (Coord.) (2017). A revolução do design: Conexões para o século XXI. Gente Editora.
Moles, A. (1975). Teoría de los objetos. Editorial Gustavo Gili, S.A.
Moura, M. (2018). O design que o design não vê. Orfeu Negro.
Morteo, E. (2009). Diseño desde 1850 hasta la actualidad. Electa
Munari, B. (2015). Artista e Designer. Edições 70, 2.ª ed.