Didactics of Portuguese I

Base Knowledge


Teaching Methodologies

According to Article 32 of the Academic Regulation, this curricular unit, due to the nature of the defined competences, students can choose the modality of continuous assessment, according to the following criteria and procedures :

The evaluation results from the elaboration of two theoretical-practical works, with a total weight of 100% in the final grade (50%+50%).

Both are based on the production of teaching materials for the promotion and development of the different domains enshrined in the Program.

The presentation and assessment methodology is carried out during the class, according to a schedule to be agreed with the students.

The valuation is equitable:

Work 1 – 50.0%

Work 2 – 50.0%

In case the student intends to take the exam, he/she must fulfill two specific conditions:

a) the 1st, to be submitted to a theoretical proof of the contents taught throughout the semester (25%) and

b) the 2nd, to prepare a plan.

Learning Results

1. Know how to promote the acquisition of discursive skills;
2. Foster the acquisition and development of textual skills;
3. Identify the skills necessary for the reading comprehension process;
4. Promote the construction of texts suitable for the various communicative purposes;
5. Recognize the criteria for choosing the textual corpus;
6. Select texts according to pre-established criteria;
7. Characterize and identify skills in the reading comprehension process;
8. Selecting strategies to promote understanding;
9. Understand the ways of using linguistic-grammatical terminologies;
10. Critically analyze Portuguese Basic Education programs and curricular goals;
11. Comment on texts of different types from the perspective of teaching grammar.


1. Portuguese and Portuguese didactics: contiguities and intersections
1.1. The inseparability between language and literature teaching
1.2. Curriculum Guidelines: Portuguese Program, Curriculum Goals, Essential Learnings
2. Language development activities and strategies in the domains: phonological, morphological, syntactic and semantic
3. The guidelines of curriculum goals: meanings and objectives
3.1. Oral discourse and written discourse: production and analysis in a teaching context
3.2. The mastery of reading and writing
3.3. The grammar
3.4. Literary education
3.5. The didactic fusion of domains in a teaching context.
4. Informative reading, functional reading and literary reading
4.1. Didactic specifics in the teaching of basic literary reading
4.2. Strategies to promote reading competence and the importance of the aesthetic dimension of language in the development of linguistic competence
5. Production of teaching materials.

Curricular Unit Teachers

Grading Methods

Periodical evaluation
  • - Individual and/or Group Work - 100.0%
  • - Exam - 25.0%
  • - Plan - 75.0%




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Gonçalves, Cristina. (2014). As competências literácitas no Ensino Básico- Aprendizagens (Im) Perfeitas em Escrita e Leitura. Universidade da Beira interior. Covilhã. Hargreaves,
Mendes, H. (2014). Os resultados dos alunos portugueses no PISA 2012: uma perspectiva comparada. Observatório permanente da juventude (OPJ).
Ripoll, Juan Cruz (2019). Manual Practico para el Desarrollo de la Comprensión Lectora. Madrid: EOS.
Sá, C. M., Lima, H. (2015). Transversalidade IV: contributos do manual de português. U.A.