Didactics of Portuguese II

Base Knowledge

    Not applicable.

Teaching Methodologies

This curricular unit follows Didactics of Portuguese I.  It presumes the metalinguistic understanding, explicit teaching of the language and of writing skills, and of oral skills and literary education.

It is therefore based on the essential skills of teaching and learning Portuguese for the 2nd Cycle of Basic Education.

Thus, this model is linked to all the curricular units in the Basic Education degree with a focus on Portuguese, but with a particular focus on the C.U of Portuguese, the interdisciplinary seminars and the educational practics of this cycle of studies.

The course is mostly practical and aims to teach teaching units.

Learning Results

1. Identify the current challenges regarding the teaching-learning of the Mother Language in the 2nd EBC;

2. Know the normative documents that govern pedagogical practice, such as Essential Portuguese Learning for the 2nd Cycle of Basic Education in accordance with the Profile of Students;

3. Establish and understand the relationship between the teaching and learning of the Mother Language and other disciplinary areas;

4. Understand the interdependence between the integrated development of orality skills, reading, literary education, writing and grammatical competence;

5. Master different teaching methods and strategies suitable for this teaching cycle;

6. Plan teaching units, classes and activities for the 2nd Cycle of Basic Education;

7. Recognize and problematize the role of school manuals in the current educational context.


1. Aprendizagens Essenciais de Português for the 2nd Cycle of Basic Education: contents and domains;

2. Planning teaching units, classes and activities for the 2nd cycle:

2.1. Orality

2.2. Reading

2.3. Writing

2.4. Grammar

3. Literary education and reading literary texts: theoretical framework vs. Didactics of literary reading;

3.1. Activities with and about literary texts;

4. Construction of instruments and teaching materials;

5. Portuguese school manuals: scope, limitations and perspectives.

Curricular Unit Teachers

Grading Methods

Periodical evaluation
  • - Individual and/or Group Work - 100.0%
  • - Practical Task's Plan - 75.0%
  • - Exam - 25.0%




Custódio, Pedro Balaus, Correia, Isabel Sofia Calvário. (2021).Educação literária no 2º ciclo do ensino básico. Propostas para alunos surdos e ouvintes. Lisboa: ExLibris.

Custódio, Pedro Balaus, Correia, Isabel Sofia Calvário, Dias, Susana Cristina Alves Dias, Ornelas, Susete de Góis. (2021). Língua e Literatura. Lisboa: Sitio do Livro.

Custódio, Pedro Balaus, Ramos, Helena. (2021). A formação de leitores no 1º ciclo do ensino básico: mudanças e novos rumos. Catu-Bahia: Bordô-Grená.

Taufer, Adauto Locatelli (Org.). Custódio, Pedro Balaus, Ramos, Wellington Furtado. (2021). Mediação de leitura literária e formação de leitores: Ensino fundamental I.  Jundiaí- São Paulo: Paco Editorial.

Taufer, Adauto Locatelli (Org.). Custódio, Pedro Balaus, Ramos, Wellington Furtado. (2022). Mediação de leitura literária e formação de leitores: Ensino fundamental II.  Jundiaí-São Paulo: Paco Editorial.