Drinks – Origins and Production

Base Knowledge


Teaching Methodologies

This CU is based on an active pedagogical model, focused on the student, and encouraging a critical thinking and joint construction of knowledge.
A study visit will be planned.
Students need to choose one of the two assessment modalities: a) Continuous assessment;b) Exam.
Continuous evaluation:
Module 1 – Individual written test (50% of the CU grade).
Module 2 – Individual written test (25% of the CU grade) and practical work (25% of the CU grade).
The final classification will be translated into the whole numerical scale from zero to twenty values.
Assessment classification equal to or greater than ten values, provide the right to dismiss the exam.
Exam evaluation: Individual written test (100% CU grade).
– The student who obtains a classification between 7.5 points and 9.4 points (inclusive) in the written test has the right to be admitted to the oral test assessment.
– It is considered approved in the exam, the student who obtains a classification equal or superior to ten values.

Learning Results

– Recognize the types of drinks according to European and Portuguese legislation

– Identify the characteristics and types of water

– Define what are alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages

– Recognize juices and soft drinks, and their manufacturing processes

– Recognize mead and kombucha

– Recognize the origin of coffees and infusions

– Know the ways of preparing coffee and infusions

– Distinguish the different types of beer and their brewing process

– Identify beer ingredients and their functions in the manufacturing process

– Distinguish the different types of wines and their winemaking processes

– Distinguish the different types of distilled beverages, the raw materials and their manufacturing process.


Module 1 – Beverages and production processes

Wine: raw materials, fermentation and manufacturing processes

Winemaking of wines: still, sparkling and fortified

Beer: raw materials, fermentation and manufacturing processes

Alcoholic beverages vs non-alcoholic beverages

Non-alcoholic beverages (water, milk, fruit juice and nectars, vegetable drinks)

Low alcohol drinks: mead, kombucha

Liqueurs and spirits

Sensory tasting of various alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages

Module 2 – Bar and beverage service

Origin, classification and species of coffee

Tea: manufacturing process and composition

Preparation of teas and coffees

Distillation processes

Simple and compound distilled beverages

Bar compositions – history and origin

Preparation and service rules of the different drinks

Sensory tasting of various alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages

Curricular Unit Teachers

Grading Methods

Continuing evaluation
  • - Practical Work - 25.0%
  • - Module 1 -Written individual test - 50.0%
  • - Module 2 - Written individual test - 25.0%
  • - Exam - 100.0%




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Thomas, C.; Katsigres, C. 2007. The bar & bevarage book. John Wiley & Sons Inc.

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Walton, S. 2004. The ultimate book of cocktails. London: Hermes House