
Teaching Methodologies

The Course will consist of two modules (M1 and M2). In each module classes will be taught theoretical exposition and field work and laboratory work will be conducted. Students will be oriented literature and oral presentations in Portuguese and English.

Learning Results

As metodologias de ensino têm um carácter teórico-prático. Assim, a componente teórica do conhecimento ministrado é complementada por exercícios práticos realizados em contexto de sala de aula e sedimentada através da realização de trabalhos de campo com posterior análise laboratorial e discussão de resultados. Realizar-se-ão dois testes teóricos e dois trabalhos práticos com apresentação oral para avaliar a aprendizagem.


1- Ecosystems organization and development: 1.1 Ecosystems generalities, 1.2 Characteristics of natural systems, 1.3 Energy flow, 1.4 Energy and material transfer, 1.5 Ecosystems evolution. 2. Ecosystems dynamic: 2.1 Life and Climat, 2.2 Life and Soil, 2.3 Biogeochemical cycles. 3. Relationships in ecosystems: 3.1 Interactions established, 3.2 Populations dynamic and consequences, 3.3 Man role in ecosystems

Grading Methods

  • - final exam - 100.0%
Continuous assessment
  • - Module 1 (test*0,8 + paper/presentation*0,2) - 50.0%
  • - Module 2 (test*0,8 + paper/presentation*0,2) - 50.0%




FAURIE, C., FERRA, C., MÉDORI, P., DEVAUX, J. & HEMPTINNE, J. – Ecologie. Approche scientifique et pratique. Lavoisier, 2002.

BEGON, M., TOWNSEND, C.R. & HARPER, J.L. – Ecology: from individuals to ecosystems. Cambridge: Blackwell Publishing Limited, 2005.

RICKLEFS, R. & MILLER, G. – Ecology. W.H.Freeman and Company, 2000