Economia da Empresa

Base Knowledge

Knowledge of mathematics calculus regarding partial derivatives, integrals and equation systems.

Teaching Methodologies

In the current course the following teaching methodologies are used: 1) Verbal Methodologies making use of the pedagogical resources: Exhibition, Explanation and Dialogue; 2) Intuitive Methodologies, making use of the pedagogical resources: Demonstration, Resolution of exercises/problems.

Learning Results

The objective of this course aims to provide students with tools for applied economic analysis, in business
and market contexts, to use in the decision-making in daily business management. Thus, students should :

a) Be able to understand the concepts of business economics and its underlying economic models; b) Be able
to understand and analyze the functioning of perfectly competitive markets and imperfectly competitive
markets; c) Be able to understand the dynamics of markets and its strategic behaviour; d) Be able o
understand and analyze the functioning of pricing strategies for firms with market power.


1. Markets and Firms
     1.1 Perfectly Competitive Markets: The firm in a competitive environment.
     1.2 Monopoly: the firm with market power.
     1.3 Modeling oligopolistic interaction.
     1.4 Product differentiation and Advertising.
     1.5 Research & Development.
2. Pricing Decisions
     2.1 Price discrimination
     2.2 Nonlinear and joint prices.

Curricular Unit Teachers

Grading Methods

Avaliação Por Exame
  • - Exame - 100.0%
Avaliação Contínua
  • - Prova escrita individual. - 100.0%




Required Books:

 – Leitão, J., Ferreira, E., & Ferreira, J. (2022). Fundamentos de Economia da Empresa: Conceitos, decisões e aplicações (1ª Edição). Rei dos Livros. ISBN: 978-989-565-069-9.

 – Perloff, J. M. (2017). Microeconomics: Theory and applications with calculus (4th. Ed.). Pearson.


Other Books:

 – Besanko, D., Braeutigam, R., & Gibbs, M. (2011). Microeconomics (4th Edition). Wiley.

– Cabral, L. (1994). Economia Industrial. McGraw-Hill.

– Krugman, P., & Wells, R. (2009). Microeconomics (2nd Edition). Worth Publishers.

– Mateus, M., & Mateus, A. (2002). Microeconomia: Exercícios e estudos de caso (Volume II). Verbo.

 – Nicholson, W., & Snyder, C. (2008): Microeconomic theory: Basic principles and extensions (10th Edition). Thomson South-Western.

– Pepall, L., Richard, D., & Norman, G. (2008). Industrial Organization: Contemporary Theory and Empirical Applications (4th Edition). Blackwell Publishing.