Economia da Empresa e da Concorrência

Base Knowledge

Knowledge of the disciplinary area of microeconomics.

Teaching Methodologies

The planned teaching method will be exclusively student support in the form of office hours, as the master’s degree edition was not open in the 23/24 academic year.

Learning Results

It is expected that at the end of the course each student will be able to:

a) Analyze the company’s production decisions;

b) Understand, discuss and assess the company’s costs;

c) Classify, analyze and understand the various situations of market structure, namely structures based on the existence of imperfect information.

d) Analyze the functioning and strategic formation of prices in specific markets, namely in imperfect information markets.


1. Introduction

1.1 Definition of Industrial Economy

1.2 Core Issues of Industrial Economy

1.3 Industrial Economy Paradigm

2. Company Production Decisions. Company costs.

3. Competitive market model

3.1 Perfect competition versus Monopoly

3.2 Market power: Harberger’s method

3.3 Price discrimination

3.4 The Role of Government Policy

4. Markets and Companies.

4.1 Market Concentration

4.1.1 Horizontal Concentration

4.1.2 Vertical Concentration

4.1.3 Global Concentration

4.1.4. Concentration Measures

4.2. The Role of the Legal Regime and the Competition Authority

5. Oligopoly Models

5.1. Game theory

5.2. The Cournot Model

5.3. The Cournot Model: Applications

5.3.1 Cournot with different Marginal Costs

5.3.2 Cournot with Investment in R&D

5.3.3 Cournot with Advertising Investment

5.3.4 Cournot with Imperfect Substitute Goods

5.4. Bertrand’s Model

5.5. The Stackelberg Model

5.6. horizontal mergers

6. Behavior of Companies

6.1. Limit Price

6.2. Product Proliferation

6.3. Product Differentiation

6.4. Experimental Economics and Hotelling Model – Some Results

Curricular Unit Teachers

Grading Methods

Avaliação final
  • - Teste 1 - 100.0%
Avaliação Periódica
  • - Teste 1 - 50.0%
  • - Teste 2 - 50.0%




Carlos, R. (2013). Microeconomia. Lições e Exercícios. Lidel.

Pepall, L., Richards, D. & Norman, G. (2008). Industrial Organization: Contemporary Theory and Empirical Applications (4th edit). Wiley-Blackwell.

Cabral, L. (2004). Economia Industrial. McGraw-Hill, edição/reimpressão.

Leão, P. (2011). Economia dos Mercados e da Empresa. Escolar Editora.

Mansfield, E. (2007). Economia Empresarial Teoria, aplicação e casos. Instituto Piaget.

Mata, J. (2011). Economia da Empresa (7.ª edi.), Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian.

Mckenzie, R. (2020). The Economic way of thinking for managers. Cambridge University Press.

Varum, C. et al. (2019). Economia Industrial: teoria e Exercícios. Edições Sílabo.