Educational Psychology

Base Knowledge

Psychology of interpersonal relationships and health psychosociology

Teaching Methodologies

The course will be developed according to a theoretical-practical model with structured exposition of the contents and related analysis and discussion or debate. Will use an interrogative and interactive methodology prior to the presentation of the main content and concepts, and is demonstration/explanation through its practical application in everyday situations and using, where appropriate, audio-visual means.

Will, also include moments of work in small groups, with tutorial support and autonomus study and research.

Learning Results

The student must acquire:

Knowledge of:

* Learning in an educational context

* Psychology and education

* Communication in a pedagogical situation

* How the brain records and deletes information
Skills for:

* Acquire knowledge and techniques that facilitate effective and efficient educational intervention in the field of environmental health;

* Understanding educational phenomena in the light of psychological factors, namely the influence of these factors on educational practice.
Competence for:

  * Value and apply the educational and training role in view of the different types of professional intervention;

* Demonstrate a pedagogical attitude at the individual and social level, in relation to others;


1 Conceptions and current trends in Educational Psychology (4 hours)

1.1. Historical evolution of Educational Psychology

1.2. Objectives and definition of Educational Psychology


2 Learning in educational context (6 hours)

2.1. Self-regulation of learning

2.2. Motivation and learning-motivational strategies in school learning

2.3. Intelligence, intelligences and learning-ability; emotional intelligence; concepts and measures

2.4. Individual differences in school learning and Educational Special Needs


3 Psychology and Education (4 hours)

3.1. Learning theories

3.2. Learning factors

3.3. Communication in pedagogical situation and strategies to improve communication


4 School, Family and School Guidance (3 hours)

4.1. Family environment and education

4.2. Vocational development


5 Adult learning and differences between school education and vocational training (4 hours)

5.1. Adult Education

5.2. Pedagogical Models and Pedagogical Methods (Expository; Demonstrative; Interrogative; Active)


6. How the brain learns: (8 hours)

6.1. The role of cognitive sciences in education

6.2. Neuroscience principles to apply to education

6.3. Teach more effectively

6.4. Artificial intelligence. Could technology replace the trainer?

Curricular Unit Teachers





*Alarcão, I. & Tavares, J. (1990). Psicologia do desenvolvimento e da aprendizagem. Coimbra: Livraria Almedina.

*Berbaum, J. (1993). Aprendizagem e formação. Porto: Porto Editora.

*Cherniss, C. & Goleman, D. (Eds.) (2002). The emotionally intelligent workplace. CA: Jossey-Bass.

*Coll, C., Marchesi, A. & Palácios, J. (2004). Desenvolvimento psicológico e educação: Psicologia da educação escolar. Porto Alegre: Artmed.

*Fachada, M. O. (2012). Psicologia das relações interpessoais. Lisboa: Edições Sílabo.

*Garanderie, A. (1992). Pedagogia dos processos de aprendizagem. Lisboa: Edições Asa.

*Marc, E. & Dominique, P. (1996). Interacção social. Lisboa: Rés Editora.

*Pereira, M. (2000). Sobredotação: A pluralidade do conceito. Sobredotação, 1, 1.

*Ribeiro, L. (1993). Comunicação global. Lisboa: Edições70.

*Ribeiro, A. C. (1999). Desenvolvimento curricular. Lisboa: Texto Editores.

*Sacadura, A. (1992). Relação pedagógica. Lisboa: Companhia Nacional de Serviços Lda.

*Silva, M. G. (1992). Métodos e técnicas pedagógicas. Lisboa: Companhia Nacional de Serviços Lda.

*Taveira, M. C. (2004). Desenvolvimento vocacional ao longo da vida. Coimbra: Almedina.

*Woolfolk, A. E. (2000). Psicologia da Educação. Porto Alegre: Artmed Editora

*Zabalza, M. (2001). Planificação e desenvolvimento curricular na escola. Porto: Edições Asa.



Álamo, C. (2019). A química do cérebro: drogas e dependência. Atlântico Press, cop.

Álamo, J. Q. del. (2019). Fome, emoções e cérebro: comer com cabeça. Atlântico Press, cop.

Bentivoglio, M., & Zucconi, G. G. (2018). Quando o cérebro envelhece: mitos e certezas sobre um processo universal (e inevitável). Atlântico Press.

Canessa, N. (2019). O sonho da razão: como funciona o cérebro. Atlântico Press, cop.

Magrini, M. (2019). Cérebro: manual do utilizador. Desassossego.

Pérez, I. P. (2019). O mapa do cérebro: um passeio anatómico pela máquina de pensar. Cofina Media, cop.

Spek, V. Van der, & Bernard, A. (12182 B.C.E.). Nutrição e bem-estar mental: como e por que razão a nossa alimentação influencia o cérebro? Piaget.

Tiziana Cotrufo, J. M. U. B. (2019). O cérebro e as emoções: sentir, pensar, decidir. Cofina Media, cop.