Eletrotherapy and Physicals Agents

Base Knowledge

Physiology, pathophysiology, processes and phases of tissue repair.

Teaching Methodologies

The teaching methodologies include the exposition of the contents; selection of the intervention with criteria based on the tissue involved and/or stage of the lesion and defined therapeutic objective. The methodology includes demonstration and exemplification of interventions with simulated practice among students, with the equipment available at the school.

Learning Results

To analyse the physical and physiological effects produced in different human tissues when exposed to electrophysical agents.

Transmit the basics about thermotherapy (superficial heat or cold therapy; contrast baths), deep heat therapy (diathermy and radio frequency); high intensity magnetotherapy; ultrasound therapy; extracorporeal shock wave therapy; laser therapy; therapy using constant currents and variable currents of low and medium frequency.

Analyse precautions, hazards, indications/contraindications according to the selected electrophysical agents.

Demonstrate skills in the application of intervention and develop reasoning in the definition of therapeutic objectives (pain, inflammation, repair, trophism, strengthening, relaxation) based on different clinical cases.


Methodologies, principles and approaches of superficial thermotherapy (heat or cold). Fundamentals of contrast and whirlpool baths. Precautions, indications and contraindications, principles and approaches of the different application methods. Application of moist heat, parafango, paraffin, cold compresses, spray and ice (static dynamic application) (TP 8 hours).

Methodologies, principles and approaches of deep heat therapy (microwave and short wave diathermy; radio frequency); Magnetotherapy and high intensity magnetotherapy. Physiological and therapeutic effects; forms of application (continuous and pulsed); dosage; safety procedures; indications/contraindications, precautions and risks. (PT 4 hours)

Methodologies, physiological and therapeutic principles and approaches to ultrasound therapy. Thermal and athermal effects; drug administration – Phonophoresis; effect of ultrasound on tissues. Application according to therapeutic objectives: choice of contact medium, frequency, intensity, mode whether continuous or pulsed, duration of treatment.  Identify indications/contraindications, dosage, hazards and precautions. (PT 3 hours)

Methodology and principles related to the types of shock waves (focal and radial); identification of the various emitting equipment. Understanding of the physiological and therapeutic effects of the different shock wave emitting equipment on tissues; application techniques; dosage; procedures; indications, contraindications, safety and risks. (TP 2 hours)

Methodology and principles related to phototherapy or laser therapy application: Production, radiation sources; heating of body tissue; biological effects; indications, contraindications, risks and application (PT 3 hours)

Characterisation of electric currents (direct and alternating currents). Classification of currents according to impulse, frequency and modulation/form. Identify the indications/contraindications, dangers and precautions and dosage according to the types of currents. Parameters to select in the equipment (impulse, frequency, modulation and intensity). (PT 4 hours)

Methodologies of application according to therapeutic objectives; Therapy with low frequency currents: galvanic and if using drug administration – iontophoresis; Functional electrical stimulation (FES); Transcutaneous electrical stimulation (TENS). Therapy with medium frequency currents: neuromuscular electrical stimulation (NMES); Russian current and interferential current (IFC). (6 hours)

Application and practice with analysis of clinical cases and with practical evaluation included (15 hours).

Curricular Unit Teachers




Bibliografia Primária

Kitchen, Sheila; Bazin, Sarah; Clayton, E. (2003). Eletroterapia. Prática baseada em evidências. 11ª edição. Ed. Manole. ISBN 85-204-1453-2

Bellew, J.; Michlovitz, S.; Nolan, T. (2016) Modalidades de intervenção terapêutica. Sexta edição. F.A. Davis Company. Philadelphia. ISBN 9780803645639

Tim Watson, (2008) Electrotherapy. Prática baseada em evidências. Churchill Livingstone; 12 edição (22 de fevereiro de 2008) ISBN- 978-0443101793

AGENTES ELECTROFÍSICOS – Contra-indicações e Precauções: Uma abordagem baseada em evidências para a tomada de decisões clínicas em fisioterapia. Physiotherapy Canada 2010 62:5, 1-80. https://doi.org/10.3138/ptc.62.5


Eletroterapia secundária

Vinzenz A., V & TRieb K.. Terapia por ondas de choque extracorpórea: uma atualização (2020). Efortopen, volume 5. DOI: 10.1302/2058-5241.5.190067

Li et al. (2018). Eficácia comparativa da onda de choque extracorpórea, ultrassom, terapia a laser de baixa intensidade, neuroestimulação interativa não invasiva e tratamento com radiofrequência pulsada para o tratamento da fascite plantar. Uma revisão sistemática e meta-análise em rede. Medicine. 97:43(e12819). doi.org/10.1097/MD.0000000000012819

Yao G. et al. (20202). Eficácia da terapia por ondas de choque extracorpóreas para epicondilite lateral: Uma Revisão Sistemática e Meta-Análise. BioMed Research International Volume 2020, Artigo ID 2064781, doi.org/10.1155/2020/2064781

Owen A Howlett, Natasha Lannin et al. (2015). A estimulação eléctrica funcional melhora a atividade após o AVC: uma revisão sistemática com meta-análise. Arch Phys Rehabili. maio 96(5):934-43. Doi:10.1016/j.apmr.2015.01.013. Epub 2015 jan 26

Yeh SW, Hong CH, Shih MC, Tam KW, Huang YH, Kuan YC. Terapia a laser de baixo nível para fibromialgia: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Médico da Dor. 2019 maio;22(3):241-254. PMID: 31151332.

Yeh, Shu-Wei & Hong, Chien-Hsiung & Shih, Ming-Chieh & Tam, Ka-Wai & Huang, Yao-Hsien & Kuan, Yi-Chun. (2019). Terapia a laser de baixo nível para fibromialgia: Uma Revisão Sistemática e Meta-Análise. Médico da dor. 22. 241-254. 10.36076/ppj/2019.22.241.