English Applied to Business Sciences IV

Base Knowledge


Conhecimentos da Língua Inglesa correspondentes ao nível B1 do quadro europeu de referência.


Knowledge of the English language corresponding to level B1 of the European frame of reference.

Teaching Methodologies

Although there will be some moments in the classes with a focus on a theoretical approach to the syllabus, more active activities will be privileged, aiming not only a more global participation of the students but also the practice and development of the several necessary skills in a foreign language learning and consolidation process. Therefore, discussion moments, group tasks, and the use of digital platforms of interaction will be proposed as classroom activities.

Learning Results

Objectives: The main objective of this course is to provide students with the necessary elements to enable them to use the English language properly as a privileged vehicle for communication in the area of business administration.

Skills: This course will continue to develop the students’ skills in English, namely through the approach of the topic of negotiations in a business context (types of negotiation, acceptance, dealing with conflicts, rejection, among other sub-themes). Grammar content will also be covered and revised.


I – Negotiations

1. Know what you want.
2. Getting what you can.
3. Not getting what you want.

II – Grammar

1. Conditionals (types 1, 2, and 3)
2. Verb tenses revision

Curricular Unit Teachers

Grading Methods

Final assessment
  • - Exam - 100.0%
Continuous Assessment
  • - Fina Work - 20.0%
  • - Teste - 40.0%
  • - Test - 40.0%




Main Bibliography:

Grant, David, Hudson, Jane, Hughes, John (2019) Business Result: Upper-Intermediate. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Irvine, Mark and Marion Cadman (2003) Commercially Speaking. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
MacKenzie, Ian (2010) English for Business Studies. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Mascull, Bill (2002) Business Vocabulary in Use. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Sweeney, Simon (2003) English for Business Communication. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press

Secondary Bibliography:

Duckworth, Michael (2009) Business Grammar and Practice. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Vince, Michael (2010) Intermediate Language Practice. MacMillan.