English Language and Communication

Base Knowledge

Knowledge of English corresponding to the level of performance at the end of secondary education.

Teaching Methodologies

In order to achieve the objectives of the course unit and the acquisition of the intended competences, the process of learning and teaching encompasses the carrying out of exercises and activities that will allow to: develop the capacity for reading and comprehend texts of the scientific and technical fields of reference; develop the capacity to present orally and produce written text in a scientific and technical context; practise oral skills in contexts that presuppose time and space management requirements as well as the whole communication set; enrich the lexicon with specific terminologies.

Learning Results

The students recognize the specifics of the technical-scientific speech in Portuguese and English; identify and use the syntax and rhetoric of the technical-scientific speech creatively in the production of written texts; identify and use the adequate grammatical resources; present and explain orally topics and issues of their field of knowledge, collect, process, use and produce information in both languages.


1.Communication techniques for oral presentations.

2. Notions on working with visual support.

3. Reading and decoding of general and specialized texts.

4. Revision of general vocabulary and verbal structures in English language.

5. Writing of texts according to the situation of communication: morphological, syntactic and semantic approach in the two languages involved.

6. General research guidelines

7. Structuring approach and scientific reporting.

8. Elaboration of bibliographies.

9. Bibliographic research on specific topics

10. Oral presentation 

Curricular Unit Teachers

Grading Methods

  • - Módulo 2 - Inglês Técnico: teste(s) + 1 apresentação oral - 70.0%
  • - Módulo 1 - Comunicação :1 teste + 1 apresentação oral - 30.0%
Avaliação contínua
  • - Módulo 2 - Inglês Técnico: teste(s) + 1 apresentação oral - 70.0%
  • - Módulo 1 - Comunicação :1 teste + 1 apresentação oral - 30.0%




American Psychological Association (2020). Referencing with APA, 7th Style – Brief Guide [Em linha]. Consult. 24/01/2022. Disponível em http://aut.ac.nz.libguides.com/APA7th

Answers.com – Online Dictionary, Encyclopedia and much more. Disponível em WWW: URL:http://www.answers.com.

Murphy, R. (2012). English Grammar in Use. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

NP 405-1.1994, Informação e documentação – Referências bibliográficas: documentos impressos. Instituto Português da Qualidade (IPQ).

NP 405-3.2000, Informação e documentação – Referências bibliográficas: documentos não publicados. IPQ.

NP 405.4.2002, Informação e documentação – Referências bibliográficas: documentos eletrónicos. Instituto Português da Qualidade (IPQ).

O’Sullivan, N.; Libbin, J. (2011). Agriculture. Berkshire: Express Publishing. ISBN: 978-1-78098-378-3.

Sinclair, J. M. – Collins English Dictionary. Millennium Edition. Glasgow: Harper Collins, 1998.

Sousa, G. V. (1998). Metodologia da investigação, redação e apresentação de trabalhos científicos. Porto: Livraria Civilização Editora. ISBN 972 26 15.

Stempleski, S. (1995). Earth Watch. New Jersey: Prentice Hall.