English Language and Communication

Base Knowledge


Teaching Methodologies

Theoretical-practical classes.

Practical oral and written assignments carried out individually and/or in groups.

Learning Results

The students recognize the specificities of the technical-scientific speech in Portuguese and English; identify and use the proper terminology of the technical-scientific speech in the production of written texts; identify and use the adequate grammatical resources; present and explain orally topics and issues of their filed of knowledge, collect, process, use and produce information in both languages.


1.Communication techniques for oral presentations.

2. Notions on the elaboration of  visual supports.

3. Review of general vocabulary and verbal structures in English.

4. Reading and  text decoding.

 5.Production of texts according to the communication situation.

 6. Approach to structuring and preparing scientific reports.

 7. Preparation of bibliographies.

8. Elaboration of citations.

9.Bibliographical research on topics in the study area for oral presentation.

Curricular Unit Teachers

Grading Methods

  • - Módulo 1 - Comunicação :1 teste + 1 apresentação oral - 30.0%
  • - Módulo 2 - Inglês Técnico: teste(s) + 1 apresentação oral - 70.0%
Avaliação contínua
  • - Módulo 1 - Comunicação :1 teste + 1 apresentação oral - 30.0%
  • - Módulo 2 - Inglês Técnico: teste(s) + 1 apresentação oral - 70.0%




APA. (2019). Manual of the American Psychological Association. 7th edition. American Psychological Association.

Collins  Dictionary. (2017). Disponível em: https://collinsdictionary.com.

Lee, R. (2009). English for Environmental Science in Higher Education Studies. Garnet Publishing.

Murphy, R.(2014).  English Grammar in Use. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Pocinho, M. (2012).Metodologia de Investigação e Comunicação do Conhecimento Científico.  Lidel.

Oliveira, L.A (2018). Escrita científica. Da folha em branco ao texto final. Guia de boas práticas para dissertações, teses e publicações de investigação. Lidel.