Environmental Microbiology

Base Knowledge


Teaching Methodologies

In theoretical classes, the teaching-learning process is carried out by exposing the contents, using audiovisual methods and discussion for their exploration. In practical classes, students perform laboratory work, manipulating the equipment associated with a microbiology laboratory to prepare culture media, cultivate and observe microorganisms and carry out analyses. Content exploration is carried out by group reports.

Learning Results

1. Characterize the variety of ways in which microorganisms interact with their environment, i.e. air, soil, water and other organisms.

2. Describe how microorganisms can be used for human benefit.

3. Assess the microbiological quality of water, indoor air and surfaces.

4. Describe the use of microorganisms to remediate environmental problems.


Part 1. Microbial ecology

  • 1. Introduction to the study of environmental microbiology.
  • 2. Basic concepts and methods in microbiology.
  • 3. Influence of the physical environment in microorganisms.
  • 4. Taxonomy and microbial diversity.
  • 5. Microbial interactions.
  • 6. Metabolism and microbial activities with ecological relevance.
  • 7. Microorganisms of aquatic environments.
  • 8. Soil microorganisms and microorganisms associated with vascular plants.

Part 2. Applied environmental microbiology

  • 9. Microorganisms in natural waters and waterbourne diseases.
  • 10. Quality and microbial evaluation of quality.
  • 11. Microbial treatment of sewage.
  • 12 Microbial products and bioremediation. 

Curricular Unit Teachers

Grading Methods

Avaliação por exame
  • - Teste escrito - 100.0%
Avaliação contínua
  • - relatórios dos trabalhos práticos - 40.0%
  • - testes escritos - 60.0%




Alcântara, F., Cunha, M.Â. & Almeida, M.A. (1996). Microbiologia: práticas laboratoriais. Universidade de Aveiro, Aveiro.

Cowan, M.K. (2012). Microbiology: a systems approach. 3ª edição. McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc., Nova Iorque. 

Ferreira, W.E.C., Sousa, J.C.F. & Lima, N. (Coords.)(2010). Microbiologia. Lidel Edições Técnicas, Lda., Lisboa.

Mendes, B. & Santos Oliveira, J.F. (2004). Qualidade da água para consumo humano. Lidel Edições Técnicas, Lda., Lisboa.

Moreira, F.M.S. & Siqueira, J.O. (2006). Microbiologia e Bioquímica do Solo. 2ª edição. Editora UFLA, Lavras.

Nester, E.W., Anderson, D.G., Roberts, Jr, C.E., Pearsall, N.N. & Nester. M.T. (2004). Microbiology: A Human Perspective. 4ª edição. McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc., Nova Iorque. 

Pepper, I.L. & Gerba, C.P. (2005). Environmental microbiology – a Laboratory Manual. 2ª edição. Elsevier Academic Press, Burlington.

Prescott, L.M., Klein, D.A. & Harley, J.P. (2002). Microbiology. 5ª edição. McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc., Nova Iorque.