Environmental Pollution

Base Knowledge

The student should have a good knowledge of chemistry, biology and pedology. For the best progression of the student in the contents of this curricular unity, it is highly recommended that they have passed the basic curricular unities previously mencioned.

Teaching Methodologies

To achieve the objectives of each of the aspects focused on in the curricular unit and to confer the expected competences to the students, the teaching and learning process is based on:

a) study of specific cases, accompanied by a set of instructions that lead the student to analyse them, draw conclusions and make decisions or suggest actions;

b) execution of practical work to apply the theoretical concepts;

c) bibliographical research needed to complement the information obtained in classes and for the execution of the reports.

Learning Results

The aim of this curricular unit is to develop, in the student who completes it successfully, the following competences

1. Air pollution and noise pollution: a) Recognize the sources of air pollution and the cycles of air pollutants, as well as the effects of air pollution on human health and the environment; b) Understand the current situation in relation to noise pollution and assess the levels of noise pollution through appropriate methodology and the consequences for public health and the environment; c) Familiarization with the legislation regulating air quality and environmental noise.

2. Soil and water pollution: a) To know the main sources of soil and water pollution and the effects of pollutants on ecosystems; b) To know the physical, chemical and biological processes that influence the reactions and the transport of pollutants in soil and water; c) To know the techniques for soil conservation and the methods used in remediation; d) Specific problems of soil and water pollution caused by agriculture: to know the polluting factors and effects caused by agriculture and livestock activity; e) Getting used to basic regulatory legislation (NREAP, CBPA and Agri-Environmental measures)


1. Atmospheric pollution: Atmospheric pollutants and their effects on human health and the environment; sources of primary and secondary atmospheric pollution; legislation for ambient air quality.

2. Noise pollution: Noise and its consequences for public health and the environment; equivalent sound level and noise maps; noise control methodologies; legislation governing environmental noise.

3. Soil and water pollution: physical, chemical and biological processes that influence the reactions and transport of pollutants in soil and water; main sources of water pollution and soil degradation; soil conservation and remediation methods; vulnerable areas in Europe.
4. Agricultural and Livestock Pollution: sources of contamination and instruments for reducing the environmental impacts caused by agricultural inputs; biological and toxicological characterization of inputs; regulations applied to the use of pesticides, synthetic fertilizers and organic compounds; livestock farming as a source of air, soil and water contamination; regulations applied to livestock farms and the protection of agricultural ecosystems.

Curricular Unit Teachers




Alloway, B.J. & Ayres, D.C. Chemical principles of environmental pollution. Blackie Academic & Professional, 1993.

Brusseau, M.L.; I.L. Pepper and C.P. Gerba. Environmental and Pollution Science. 3ª edição Elsevier, eBook ISBN: 9780128147207, 2019.

Calouro, F. Agricultural Activities and the Environment. Agriculture and Environment Collection. Portuguese Innovation Society. Porto, 2005. (in portuguese)

Cunha, M.J., Casau, F., Amaro, R. & Oliveira, A. Clean Technologies in Agriculture and Livestock. Agriculture and Environment Collection. Portuguese Innovation Society. Porto, 2005. (in portuguese)

DEFRA. Code of Good Agricultural Practice for reducing ammonia emissions. Published 27 July 2018 U.K., 2018.

Mirsal, I. Soil Pollution: Origin, Monitoring & Remediation. Springer 2nd edition, 2008.

MADRP. Basic Manual of Agricultural Practices: Soil and Water Conservation. INGA Ed., 1999 (in portuguese)

Merrington, G.; L. Winder, R. Parkinson & M. Redman. Agricultural Pollution: Problems and Pratical Solutions. Ed. Spon Press, NY, USA,. 2002.

Ministério do Ambiente, Agricultura, Florestas e Desenvolvimento Rural. Code of Good Agricultural Practices – Order no. 1230/2018 of February 5, 2018. Official Journal of National Regulamentation, 2nd series – No. 25, 2018. (in portuguese)

Patnaik, P. Handbook of Environmental Analysis: Chemical Pollutants in Air, Water, Soil and Solid Wastes. 2nd edition, CRC Press, 2010.

Santos, J.Q. Soil Fertilization and Environment. Publicações Europa América, Coleção EuroAgro, 2001.(in portuguese)

Simões, J.S. Use of Plant Protection Products in Agriculture. Agriculture and Environment Collection. Portuguese Society for Innovation. Porto, 2005.

Spellman F. R. & N. Whiting. Environmental management of concentrated animal feeding operations. Ed. Taylor & Francis Group, FL, USA, 2007.

Spellman, F. R. The Science of Environmental Pollution. CRC Press, ISBN 9781032016832, 464 pp., 2021.

Varennes A. Soil productivity and the Environment. Escolar editora, 2003. (in portuguese)

Wild, A. Soils and the environment: an introduction. Cambridge University Press, 1993.


*Others to be indicated/provided by the teachers in order to constantly update the content covered in the course.