Estudo e Comportamento dos Solos

Base Knowledge

It is recommended that students have attended Soils and Rocks course unit, held in the 1st year, 2nd semester.

Teaching Methodologies

In classes, the expository and inquisitive method is used when explaining theoretical issues. Solving exercises will be carried in groups and/or individually. Several laboratory tests will also be carried out in order to deepen the knowledge acquired in theoretical-practical classes. Students will also be monitored, by clarifying doubts, by solving exercises and by guiding them during the treatment of test results.

Learning Results

Objectives: To know and apply the concepts related to stresses, resistance, compressibility and permeability of soils.

Generic Skills: ability to acquire, understand and apply soil mechanics knowledge; problem solving; adaptation to new situations; ability to work independently and in a team.

Specific Skills: to know the different types of soils and the theoretical and practical concepts of Soil Mechanics and apply them in problem solving; calculate stresses in massifs after construction, settlements and times; make proper use of soil resistance parameters; carry out tests to determine the parameters of resistance, compressibility and permeability of soils;


1. Water in soils. Percolation

Water in rock masses and soils. Darcy’s Law. Permeability coefficient. One and two-dimensional percolation. Stress state in the massif. Hydraulic instabilities. Soil waterproofing. Urban green infrastructure.

2. Stresses in soils

Stress state at a point in the massif. Pore-pressure in a submerged massif. Principle of effective stress. Rest and induced stress by external forces.

3. Compressibility and consolidation of soils

Compressibility of granular and fine soils. Importance of the initial state in sand (relative density and initial effective stress). Consolidation of clay layers. Soils normally and over-consolidated. Vertical deformations in soils: i) immediate settlements; ii) settlements by primary consolidation; iii) settlements by secondary consolidation. Consolidation Acceleration Techniques

4. Soil resistance

Shear resistance of soil. Mohr-Coulomb and Tresca failure criteria. Short and long term behaviour of clays. Laboratory tests: direct shear box test and current triaxial test.

Curricular Unit Teachers




Bibliography available on the Moodle platform by the teachers of the course unit:

Powerpoint presentations of classes.

Araújo Santos LM (2011). Caracterização e modelação do comportamento mecânico da areia de Coimbra sobações generalizadas. Projeto de tese apresentado para a obtenção do grau de Doutor em Engenharia Civil – ramo de Geotecnia. Universidade de Coimbra, Coimbra. (in Portuguese)

Araújo Santos LM, Coelho PALF, Taborda DMG (2016). Influência da variabilidade das propriedades físicas da areia de Coimbra na sua permeabilidade. 15.o Congresso Nacional de Geotecnia e 8.o Congresso Luso- Brasileiro de Geotecnia, Porto 20-23 de junho de 2016. (in Portuguese)

Comissão Europeia (2012). Orientações sobre as melhores práticas para limitar, atenuar ou compensar a impermeabilização dos solos. (in Portuguese)

Cruz F. (2018). Resistência ao corte. Elementos pedagógicos de Mecânica dos Solos. Instituto Superior de Engenharia de Coimbra, Coimbra. (in Portuguese)

European Commission (2012). Soil Sealing. Science for Environment Policy.

Fernandes CBAA (2016). Beneficiação de drenagem pluvial em bacias urbanas – Caso de estudo da bacia da ribeira de albufeira. Dissertação para obtenção de grau de mestre em Engenharia Civil. Instituto Superior Técnico, Lisboa. (in Portuguese)

Mooy, J de. (2016). Green Infrastructure Primer – A Delaware guide to using natural systems in urban, rural, and coastal settings. Delaware Division of Energy & Climate.

Moreira CMC (2008). Percolação bidimensional da água nos solos. Elementos pedagógicos de Fundações II. Instituto Superior de Engenharia de Coimbra, Coimbra. (in Portuguese)

Bibliography available at ISEC Library:

Das, B. M. (2006). Principles of Geotechnical Engineering. 6a edição, Ed Cengage Learning. USA. (7-8-170 (ISEC) – 15064)
Craig, R. F. (1977). Soil Mechanics. 6a edição, Ed. VNR International. London. (7-8-117 (ISEC) – 08635)
Fernandes, M. M.(2006). Mecânica dos Solos – vol. 1: Conceitos e Princípios Fundamentais. Ed. FEUP. Porto. (7-8-159 (ISEC) V.1º v. – 14004)

Folque, J. (1996). Introdução à Mecânica dos Solos. 2a edição, Ed. LNEC. Lisboa. (7-8-118 (ISEC) – 09058)